Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Input options in the request form

Monitoring of patents/utility models includes monitoring service of supplementary protection certificates.

In the patents/utility models area, monitoring is available on the basis of the criteria "Applicant/Owner", "Inventor", "IPC main class" and "IPC secondary class".

A link to the International Patent Classification (IPC) is provided above the input fields.

Monitoring offers the following options:

After finding a specific IP right or IP application by means of monitoring, do you wish to also monitor possible future changes in the legal status of that IP right?
In that case, we recommend you to submit the respective file number to our " DPMAkurier" online service (monitoring by file number/ publication number).
For more information please see chapter DPMAkurier.

Monitoring by name of applicant/owner

Please specify the period to be covered by the search in the field "Monitoring period".

The monitoring service by name of applicant/owner only provides information on IP applications or IP rights published for the first time in DPMAregister (first publications on a specific procedure or file number).
For detailed information on this service please read the below section "Configure result list"/ explanations on the field "Date of first publication".

Tick the check box "Applicant/Owner" and enter a name or a company name in the respective input field, for which you want to find a first publication from the data available in <.
If you are unsure about the exact spelling of a name or company name, you can use the following wildcards:

? represents any number of characters or no characters
! represents precisely one character
# represents one character or no characters

ABC Electronic#
finds "ABC Electronic", "ABC Electronics", "ABC Electronica" ...

ABC Electroni?
finds "ABC Electronic", "ABC Electronica", "ABC Electronical" ...

The search is case insensitive.

For more information and other examples please see the "Expert search" menu item.

Monitoring by name of inventor

Please specify the period to be covered by the search in the field "Monitoring period".

The monitoring service by name of inventor only provides information on IP applications or IP rights published for the first time in DPMAregister (first publications on a specific procedure or file number).
For detailed information on this service please read the below section "Configure result list"/ explanations on the field "Date of first publication".

Tick the check box "Inventor" and enter a name in the respective input field, for which you want to find a first publication from the data available in DPMAregister.
If you are unsure about the exact spelling of a name or company name, you can use the following wildcards:

? represents any number of characters or no characters
! represents precisely one character
# represents one character or no characters

finds "Schmid", "Schmied"

finds "Schmid", "Schmied", "Schmidleitner"...

The search is case insensitive.

For more information and other examples please see the "Expert search" menu item.

Monitoring by IPC main class

Please specify the period to be covered by the search in the field "Monitoring period".

The monitoring service by IPC main class only provides information on IP applications or IP rights published for the first time in DPMAregister (first publications on a specific procedure or file number).
For detailed information on this service please read the below section "Configure result list"/ explanations on the field "Date of first publication".

Tick the check box "IPC main class" and enter an IPC symbol in the respective input field, for which you want to find a first publication from the data available in DPMAregister.

You can either enter the complete IPC symbols or truncate them according to the main group, for example F17D5/?
Possible entry formats:
F17D 5/00 (with space)

For more information on the International Patent Classification (IPC) please see the "Classifications" menu item of this Help section.

Monitoring by IPC secondary class

Please specify the period to be covered by the search in the field "Monitoring period".

The monitoring service by IPC secondary classes only provides information on IP applications or IP rights published for the first time in DPMAregister (first publications on a specific procedure or file number).
For detailed information on this service please read the below section "Configure result list"/ explanations on the field "Date of first publication".

Tick the check box "IPC secondary class" and enter an IPC symbol in the respective input field, for which you want to find a first publication from the data available in DPMAregister.

You can either enter the complete IPC symbols or truncate them according to the main group, for example F17D5/?
Possible entry formats:
F17D 5/00 (with space)

For more information on the International Patent Classification (IPC) please see the "Classifications" menu item of this Help function.

Monitoring by names/company names and IPC class

Please specify the period to be covered by the search in the field "Monitoring period".
For combined monitoring, follow the instructions given in the above sections.

Configure result list

In the "Hide result list configuration" section you can customise your result list. Tick the checkboxes provided which correspond to the columns to be displayed on the result list.
The fields "File number" and "Type of IP right" are selected by default and cannot be unchecked.

You can choose from the following fields

The drop-down menu "Sort result list by" allows you to determine the sequence of the results by one of the data fields provided. Select the desired data field and choose (ascending/descending) order.

The drop-down menu labelled "Results/page" allows you to choose the number of results (10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 1,000) to be displayed per page. The default value is 50.

For more information on this section, please see "Result list".

"Start search" button:

Click the button labelled "Start search" to submit a query with your search terms. If the search returns at least one file number, a result list will be displayed.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 26.10.2020