Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Input options

The following search criteria are available for monitoring trade marks: 'Owner' and/or 'Nice Classification'.

A link to the Nice Classification is provided above the input field.

Monitoring offers the following options

Monitoring by names of owners

Please specify the period to be covered by the search in the field 'Monitoring period'.
Enter a name in the 'Owner' field, for which new national trade mark registrations are to be searched in the specified period. You can use the wildcards admissible for searches within DPMAregister, if you are unsure about the exact spelling of a name/a company name.

ABC Electronic# [finds 'ABC Electronic', 'ABC Electronics', 'ABC Electronica' ...]
ABC Electroni? [finds 'ABC Electroni...' + no letter/character or any number of letters/characters].

The search is case insensitive.

For more information and other examples please see the 'Expert search' menu item.
For further monitoring (changes in the legal status) of a trade mark found, we recommend to submit the respective file number to DPMAkurier. For more information, please see chapter ' DPMAkurier'.

Monitoring by Nice Classification symbol

Please specify the period to be covered by the search in the field 'Monitoring period'.
In the 'Classes (Nice)' field, you can enter up to three classes of goods /classes of services, for which new national trade mark registrations will be searched. You can submit the classes in a one or two digit format. Monitoring by Nice Classification symbol covers the 'leading class' and the 'additional classes' of national trade marks.
Input example: 9 or 09
When monitoring certain Nice classes (e. g. class 35) you are likely to get a high number of results, exceeding the displayable maximum of 1,000 results. In these cases you should preferably choose the weekly instead of the monthly monitoring period. This is to ensure that all trade marks, which are of relevance to you, will be found within the scope of the monitoring.
For further monitoring (changes in the legal status) of a trade mark found, we recommend to submit the respective file number to DPMAkurier. For more information, please see chapter ' DPMAkurier'.
For details on the Nice Classification please see the Help pages, chapter 'Classification'.

Monitoring by names of owners and Nice Classification symbol

Monitoring by names of owners and Nice Classification symbol.
Please specify the period to be covered by the search in the field 'Monitoring period'.
Please enter the details for a combined monitoring by names of owners and Nice Classification symbols as specified above ('Monitoring by names of owners' and 'Monitoring by Nice Classification symbols').
For further monitoring (changes in the legal status) of a trade mark found, we recommend to submit the respective file number to DPMAkurier. For more information, please see chapter ' DPMAkurier'.

Configure result list

In the section 'Hide result list configuration', you can specify which details of the results returned you wish to have displayed in the first overview.
The fields 'Data pool' and 'File number' are selected by default and cannot be disabled.

Furthermore, options are provided to sort the result list generated. For this purpose select the desired data field and define the sort order (ascending/descending).

Select the number of results to be displayed per page in a drop-down-menu.

The field 'Max. number of results' enables you to limit the result lists to e.g. 250 or 500 results. If you restrict the number of results, the lists will be loaded faster, in particular in comparison to lists comprising 1,000 results.

For more information on this section, please see 'Result list'.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 26.10.2020