Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Register information

Click on a file number in your result list to open the corresponding "Register information" details page.
If the file number relates to a trade mark application, the click will open the "Information on a trade mark application" (national), "Information on a European Union trade mark application" (EU trade mark) or "Information on the international trade mark designating EU (or DE)" details page.
In the case of Community designs, the text of the details page will read as follows: "Information on a Community design".

This page contains detailed information on the master data/bibliographic data and, if applicable, procedural data of IP applications and registered and granted IP rights.

Register extract

Click the "PDF-download" button to access the corresponding master data/bibliographic data and the detailed procedural data, if any.
This information is only available in German, even if you use the English language user interface.
Deviations within the PDF view compared to the "Register information" details page:

If you require a certified register extract, you need to send a written request to the DPMA. This is subject to a fee of EUR 20 (fee number 301 100 according to the Ordinance Concerning Administrative Costs at the DPMA).
In some cases, for example for certain court proceedings, a certified register extract is required.
You can save the link "PDF download" as a bookmark for direct access.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 05.08.2019