Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Operational notices

This chapter provides information on technical requirements for using this service and explains the key shortcuts and navigation options provided.

Technical requirements

For the use of the DPMAregister information service you need a computer with Internet connection with an installed browser to view Internet pages.

To display the PDF documents from the download area directly on the user's computer, a browser plugin to view PDF files is required. Usually, the Adobe Reader (formerly Acrobat Reader) is used. You can get a free download of the program at

We have tested the following versions or combinations of versions:

Display of pages usually works also with other browsers or older browser versions, but it may alter the look of the pages and they may not support certain features. We hope you understand that, due to the large variety of possible versions and different browsers, we are unable to answer enquiries regarding behaviour, performance and possible errors.

Using the Internet Explorer to perform online searches from Windows XP computers will no longer be possible in the future.

The extensive amount of data that has to be transmitted to the user's computer for the download area, the display of patent documents in PDF format and the images of trade marks and designs requires a fast connection to the Internet.

If you use the assisted search mode and wish to receive an answer by e-mail, you must have an e-mail address which will be entered into the respective form of the assisted search. Alternatively, you can request an answer by fax or mail, in the assisted search.

DPMAregister is optimised for a minimum screen resolution of 800x600.

Browser update recommended in case of page display problems

Since the end of December 2005 our electronic services DPMAregister and DEPATISnet have got a new barrier free design utilising so-called "style sheets".
These style sheets are involved in the page display. They are supported by the current versions of customary browsers in order to produce neatly structured web pages with an attractive visual design. Older browser versions may not or not fully support these style sheets. In that case, the opened pages will not be fully displayed. Sometimes it is nevertheless possible to display the content of web pages that use style sheets by specifying in the browser settings menu item that these style sheets should be ignored (path for Microsoft Internet Explorer: -> Tools -> Internet Options ->Accessibility). Where these settings do not produce a satisfactory result we recommend you to install the latest browser version.

Key shortcuts

The following key shortcuts (also known as accesskeys) are available on this site:

If you are using the Internet explorer you have to confirm the shortcut by pressing the return key.


This site provides the following navigation options:

The service navigation at the upper right contains links to general information about this site.

Via the main navigation you can access the three IP areas "patents and utility models", "trade marks" and "industrial designs" and the DPMAkurier supply services of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office. A HTTPS enabled browser is required for encrypted data transmission.

The sub navigation contains links to download and search facilities and other useful links related to the individual IP area.

On the homepage you can also choose the language (German or English) of the user interface and choose between several display options for the website.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 05.08.2019