Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Result lists

The result of a search performed using the modes "Basic search", "Monitoring" or "Expert search" will be displayed as a result list. It provides a short overview of the contents of your search result.

On the search form you can customise your result list by choosing the data fields to be displayed on the result page. Each data field chosen will be shown in a separate column.

The order of the individual results corresponds to the your selection from the drop-down menu "Result list sorted by" in the entry form.
By clicking on the heading of the respective column you can change the sorting of the generated result list.
You can individually adjust the column width of the result lists by using the mouse to pull the respective column to a different size.
Your search terms will appear marked and bold in the selected text fields of the result list (highlighting).
Multi-field sorting, that means sorting by various criteria, is not possible.

In the entry form (Section 'Hide result list configuration') you can also select from a drop-down-menu the number of results to be displayed per page (default is 50 results).

The result lists for all searches are limited to 1,000 results.
If your search returns more than 1,000 results, only the first 1,000 lines (maximum) will be shown and a message will appear indicating the limit has been exceeded. You should then narrow your search by entering additional search criteria.

You can also choose

You can navigate through long result lists to specific pages by using the respective buttons above and below the result list.

Click on the link in the column 'Register number' to display the desired register information: Click on a file number to open a new page, where you can view detailed information on the respective publication.

If you wish to repeat a search, return to the entry form by clicking the link "Back to Basic search" / " Back to Monitoring" / " Back to Expert search".

Click on a menu item below for more information on the desired type of IP.

Save result list
To save the result list click the link "Download result list".
You can choose between the formats CSV" and XLS to save the result list. To get a clear layout it is advisable to save the result list in an Excel file.
You search query will be saved in the first line of the downloaded file. This allows you to identify and conduct the search at a later time again.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 24.07.2020