Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Result lists - Designs

The results of a search will be displayed in a result list.

You have a choice of three different view options for displaying the results of a designs search.

In the "Configure result list" section of the input screen you can choose one of the following views:

Each result is shown in a separate window provided with a vertical scroll bar on the right-hand side of the window. This tool allows you to see all desired displayable data.

The first reproduction is displayed in respect of any design found, provided that you have previously activated the checkbox "First reproduction" in the "Configure result list" section of the input screen.

Please read the relevant note in the below paragraph "The following remarks apply to all three views of the result list".

The design number and the file number are displayed below the first reproduction. If you click on the file number, you will get a new result list showing all related designs of this file.

Furthermore, all other data will be shown as selected on the input screen. The order of these data corresponds to the order of the respective checkboxes on the input screen.

The serial number of the respective result and a specific design number are displayed at the top of each window. If you click on the design number, you will get the register information of this design plus further details.
A checkbox is provided to the right of each design number. Tick this checkbox to select the design. All selected designs will be shown in a separate result list if you click the "Show selection" button.

You cannot sort the result list under the "Matrix" view. Sorting is only available in the "Table" view.

If you resize the window, the contents will adapt to the respective window width: for displaying the designs one above the other, shrink the window size until the desired view is obtained. The more you enlarge the window, the more designs will be shown side by side.

"Image gallery" view

Each result is shown in a segment of a fixed size. It shows the first reproduction of the design, irrespective of whether you have selected this item in the "Configure result list" section of the input screen. Please read the relevant note in the below paragraph "The following remarks apply to all three views of the result list".

The serial number of the respective result and a specific design number are displayed above the first reproduction. If you click on the design number, you will get the register information of this design plus further details.

A checkbox is provided to the right of each design number. Tick this checkbox to select the design. All selected designs will be shown in a separate result list if you click the "Show selection" button.

If you draw the mouse pointer approximately to the centre of a specific segment you will directly see the data which you have selected on the input screen: a new window will pop up which contains the desired information. The order corresponds to the order of the respective checkboxes on the input screen. The design number and the file number will be displayed by default.

You cannot sort the result list under the "Image gallery" view. Sorting is only available in the "Table" view.

If you resize the window, the contents will adapt to the respective window width: for displaying the designs one above the other, shrink the window size until the desired view is obtained. The more you enlarge the window, the more designs will be shown side by side.

"Table" view

The columns of the result list correspond to the data fields which you have selected on the search form in the "Configure result list" section. The data are displayed in the order of the checkboxes on the input screen.

The fields "Design number" and "File number" are selected by default and cannot be disabled. These two fields and the serial numbers of the individual results will be displayed in the first columns.

Note regarding the column "Selection": tick the checkbox to select the relevant design. All selected designs will be shown in a separate result list if you click the "Show selection" button.

If you click on a design number, you will get the register information of this design plus further details.

If you click on a file number, you will get a new result list showing all related designs of this file.

Please read the below paragraph "The following remarks apply to all three views of the result list" if you select the column "First reproduction".

The following remarks apply to all three views of the result list:

Explanations on the design status:

Design registered
Designs that were registered in the register.
This design status is displayed until the cancellation is recorded in the register, based on a request by the right owner or a third person (due to the fact that the design was found invalid) or as a consequence of the expiry of the term of protection.

Cancellation of the design due to the expiry of the term of protection is either due to the expiry of the maximum term of protection of 25 years or due to non-payment of fees for extension or renewal (before the relevant payment deadline).
Between the expiry of the payment period and when the cancellation is recorded in the register, there is time to allow for possible mail deliveries and bank transfers, and for business processing. During that time, the design status "Design registered" is displayed.

As a rule, the design is only searchable after registration in the register. Designs or design applications are not searchable in the DPMAregister service if they were not registered due to defects during the registration procedure or due to non-payment of the application fee.

By clicking on the link "Payment due on", you will be shown the most important design fees.

Design registration cancelled
Designs that had been registered in the register and were cancelled later (cancellation due to a request by the right owner or a third person; cancellation due to invalidity of the design or the expiry of the term of protection).

Reinstatement requested
Designs that were cancelled, but for which reinstatement has been requested by the right owner with respect to the time limit for the payment of the extension fee or renewal fee.
This design status is displayed in the period, from receipt of the request for reinstatement until the decision on the request has become final.
After the decision on the request has become final, the design status displayed is either "Design registered" or "Design registration cancelled".

Design registration cancelled, paper file deleted
Designs for which there is no longer any paper file.
Five years after the cancellation of the design registration, (for multiple registrations: five years after the cancellation of the last design of a multiple registration), the paper file is destroyed.
The DPMA keeps only the representations. After the date of the destruction of the paper file, searches in a file (file inspection) are no longer possible.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 05.08.2019