Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Result lists - Trade Marks

The result of a search will be displayed as a result list.

The columns correspond to the data fields which you have selected on the search form in the "Configure result list" section.

The serial numbers of the individual results will be displayed in the first column of each result list.
The second column contains a checkbox. Tick the checkbox to select the relevant result. All selected results will be shown in a separate result list if you click the "Show selection" button.

The fields "Data file" and "File number" are selected by default and cannot be disabled. The following columns display the chosen data fields in the order provided on the input screen.

If you select "Reproduction of the trade mark", not only word marks will be displayed in the result list, but also figurative marks and combined word/figurative marks.

If you hover the mouse pointer directly over a figurative mark reproduced, a tooltip will appear that indicates the Vienna categories of figurative elements attributed to that figurative mark.

If the trade mark is a combined word/figurative mark, the tooltip will show the complete trade mark text.

The "Classes" column contains the classes of goods/services specified by the applicant or owner. They refer to the commercial purpose of the trade mark. If several classes are indicated, the first listed is the leading class. All other classes are listed in ascending order.

By clicking on the link "Date of expiry of term of protection", you will be shown the most important trade mark fees.

Explanations on the "File status" column:

'Application received' (01)
Trade mark applications whose application date is established; a final decision on registration has not yet been taken.

'Trade mark registered, opposition period running' (02)
Registered trade marks for which the opposition period has not yet expired, or expired only recently.
Note: If this file status is displayed even after expiry of the opposition period, notices of opposition might have been received, which have not yet been captured in the electronic system due to internal mail routing or processing times.

'Trade mark registered, opposition proceedings pending' (03)
Trade marks whose registration has been opposed. This file status is valid until a final decision on the (last) notice of opposition has been taken.

'Trade mark registered' (04)
Registered trade marks which can no longer be opposed (either because no notice of opposition was filed or because notices of opposition did not result in a total cancellation of the trade mark).

'Trade mark not registered' (05)
Trade mark applications whose application date is established, but which did not lead to registration (e.g. because they were withdrawn or refused or because the application fee was not paid in due time). The search << AST = registration-not-possible >> returns only those trade mark applications whose file records are still kept at the DPMA. When a paper file is destroyed the status of the file is changed to 'file destroyed'.
If you expect all other trade mark applications that have not led to registration in the trade mark register to be displayed on your result list, please search in the respective data resource subset [BA]: << BA = registration-not-possible >>

'Trade mark cancelled' (06)
Trade marks which had been registered and were subsequently cancelled (cancellation in opposition proceedings, due to non-renewal at the expiry of the term of protection, due to surrender by the proprietor, at third party request or by reason of a judgment issued by a regular court).

'File deleted' (07)
Trade marks applied for that were not registered and trade marks cancelled whose paper file was deleted at the expiry of the retention period.

The selected columns will be stored in cookies on the client PC so that you do not have to repeat your choice of columns during your next visit.

Explanations on specific legal statuses

Opposition proceedings: trade mark not cancelled
Trade marks registered under the former trade mark law ("Warenzeichengesetz") which were either not opposed, or, if oppositions had been filed, these did not result in the total denial of registration or cancellation of the trade mark (e.g. opposition rejected in full or in part, opposition withdrawn).

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 05.08.2019