Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

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Advanced search

The "Advanced search" mode allows you to search in different search fields and to combine the selected fields according to your needs.
First select the desired type of IP right on the DPMAregister homepage and then click on "Advanced search". A single-line input field appears for entering the File number / publication number (patents/utility models), Register number/ File number (trade marks), Number of file / register/ design (designs).
Click the + button to add further input fields. You can select the field name via a drop-down list.
The possible input fields for the different types of IP rights are listed below.

Patents/utility models:
File number/publication number
Application date
Date of registration
Date of first publication
Publication date grant/registration
IPC main class/secondary class
Type of IP right
Possible declaration on licences

Trade marks:
Register number/File number
Type of mark
Classe(s) Nice
Classes (Vienna)
Start of opposition period
Application date
Date of entry into the register
Date of publication of the registration
Data file
Data pool
Possible licensing declaration

Number of file /register/design
Class of goods
Application date
Date of registration
Publication date
Data file
Data pool
Design status
Status of the Community design
Interest to grant licences

The individual search fields can be linked by the Boolean operators "AND", "OR" and "NOT".
If several search terms are entered within one search field, they are automatically linked by the "AND" operator.
Furthermore, there is a function to bracket search terms.
Example: You are looking for patents of the joint owners Hans Meier and Max Huber from the application year 2005. The patents are to contain the catchwords "Bolzen" or "Schraube" (bolt or screw).
For the search field displayed, select "Type of IP right" and "Patent" from the drop-down lists. Use the + button to open a second input field.
Select "Applicant/owner" for this field and enter "Hans Meier".
To the left of the input fields there is a drop-down list with Boolean operators. The AND operation is set by default.
Since you also want to search for "Max Huber" and limit the patents to the application period 2005, you must now enclose the search string by brackets.
To enclose your query in brackets, click on the () button and then add another field with the + button. Again, select "Applicant/owner" and enter "Max Huber". For the application date, click on the + button again, then select "Application date" from the drop-down list and enter j-2005 in this search field.
(By clicking the + button you can create further input fields. These are all enclosed in the brackets).
To enter the catchwords "Bolzen" or "Schraube" (bolt or screw), select the + button located below the bracketed query block, select "Title" form the dropdown list and enter the word "Bolzen". Since you want to search for "Schraube" as well, you must click the () button and the + button again, again select "Title" and enter "Schraube". Click "OR" in the drop-down list for the Boolean operators and start search.

Screenshot Advanced search

For clarification, here is the search query as it appears above the possible result list:
Search query: SART=patent AND (INH = "hans" (L) "meier" AND INH = "max" (L) "huber" AND AT=j-2005) AND ((TI = "bolzen" OR TIEZ = "bolzen" OR TIGZ = "bolzen") OR (TI = "schraube" OR TIEZ = "schraube" OR TIGZ = "schraube"))

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 02.12.2020