Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Expert search

Use the Expert mode if you are experienced in IPR searches.

Please choose the desired type of IP right on the DPMAregister homepage and click on "Expert search" to open the search screen.

The sophisticated expert search provides many helper functions via javascript. If you have disabled Javascript, you can enter the individual characters of your search values in the input field. If you are unsure how to use this search function, we recommend that you use the Basic mode or the search mode "PIZ support".

An overview on the individual fields and the input options (text / numeral / date) is available in the "Help" section in the chapter "Search fields".

Search terms

General information:

You can use the following types of expressions to construct a search query:

Date values can be submitted in the following formats:

Example  Scheme  Type 
06.03.2009   German format  
6.03.2009   German format  
06.3.2009   dd.m.yyyy   German format  
6.3.2009   d.m.yyyy   German format  
06.03.09   German format  
6.03.09   German format  
06.3.09   dd.m.yy   German format  
6.3.09   d.m.yy   German format  
20091026   yyyymmdd   ISO format (without separators)  

You can use the following (abbreviated) expressions for searches for date ranges:

Example  Scheme   Type 
M1-2009   M < mm > - < yyyy >  all data records from the 1st month of the year 2009 (January 2009)  
KW12-2009   KW < ww > - < yyyy >  all data records from the 12th publication week of 2009  
Q3-2009   Q < q > - < yyyy >  all data records from the 3rd quarter of 2009  
J-2009   J - < yyyy >  all data records from the year 2009  

Fields (= field operators)

The data of an IP right are distributed to individual fields in the search system - such as register number, owner, application date.
When you submit a search request, the search will be limited to the contents of the field or fields specified.
Syntax: < field name > < operator > < search term >
Example of a search for IP rights/IP applications, applied for on 08 February 2010:
AT = 08.02.2010
> Field name = AT
> Operator =
> Search term = 08.02.2010


The following operators allowed in search expressions for combining search terms:

- Boolean Operators
Irrespective of the language of the application, you can type the operators according to the English or the German spelling.
The below logical operators are available.
AND [logical "and" (German: UND)]
OR [logical "or" (German: ODER)]
NOT [logical "and not" (German: NICHT)]

- Proximity operators
You can use proximity operators only in relation to text fields, but not for carrying out searches within numerical fields or date fields. The menu item "Search fields" of the Help section explains which fields are "numerical fields" or "date fields".

- Numerical comparison operators
These operators are suitable for numerical comparisons, for example of date values.
They cannot be applied to full text fields.

The = operator is allowed and useful in any type of field.

You can apply the following comparison operators:
> "greater than"
< "less than"
= "equal to"
>= "greater than or equal to"
<= "smaller than or equal to"

- "Procedural operator": {}
The procedural operator allows to carry out searches within the procedural data of an intellectual property right. The search is comparable to the direct search in the PDF version of the patent gazette (Patentblatt), trade mark journal (Markenblatt) and designs gazette (Geschmacksmusterblatt).
Several procedural operators can be used in an expert search query, but not in a nested manner.

You may only "bracket" search fields which are available in the procedural information. Where identically named search fields are contained in both, the bibliographic data (master data) and the procedural data, the system will search only the procedural data, if curly bracketing is applied.

A data record will be found if a procedure corresponds to the criteria enclosed in curly brackets.

If the procedural search field "legal status information" is combined or enclosed in curly brackets with other procedural search fields, the search will only return results where the search fields indicated by you relate to the same procedure.

{VST = umschr-abgeschlossen UND INHF = Mustermann }
The search finds the term "Mustermann" in the field "previous owner" and exclusively within a procedure concerning the recording of changes.

The operators are evaluated in the following order

You can modify the order of evaluation by applying round brackets.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 26.10.2020