Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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General information is available in the help section " DPMAregister > Help > Search modes > Expert search"

Input options in the search form

The javascript based functionalities help you to construct search queries.
If you utilise selection lists and buttons, you can construct an expert search query in the entry field.

The link "Show input tools" provides the following tools to help you construct your queries:


Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/product < Snowboard > or < Snow-Board > or < Snowboard-Stiefel > ...   TI= snowboard ODER ERZ = snowboard 
Designation/product as in the above example plus < Snow Board > ...   TI= snow-board ODER ERZ = snow-board 
Design of company < L.e.o. > or < L/E/O > or < L.e.o. Media > ...   INH = l.e.o. 

Please enclose a search expression in doubles quotes if it contains an apostrophe.
You can use single quotes instead of double quotes; in this case you must truncate the apostrophe with a preceding backslash\.


Search forSearch Expression
Design of company < You's > ...   INH = "you's" or INH = 'you\'s' 

Truncated Terms

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/product starting with < Snowboard... > [Snowboard, Snowboards, Snowboardstiefel, Snowboard-Stiefel ...]   TI= snowboard? ODER ERZ = snowboard? 
Designation/product ending with < ?stiefel > [Stiefel, Skistiefel, Winterstiefel]   TI= ?stiefel ODER ERZ = ?stiefel 
Designation/product starting with, ending with or containing < ...stiefel > [Stiefel, Stiefelsohle, Skistiefel, Skistiefelsohle]   TI= ?stiefel? ODER ERZ = ?stiefel 
Designation/product < Dekor > or < Decor >  TI= de!or ODER ERZ = de!or 
Designation/product < Skistiefel > or < Schistiefel >  TI= s##istiefel ODER ERZ = s##istiefel 


Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/product < Snow Board > or < Snow-Board >  TI= "snow board" ODER ERZ = "snow board" 
Designation/product < Möbel aus Glas >  TI = "möbel aus glas" ODER ERZ = "möbel aus glas" 

Special input formats in certain search fields

- Register numbers / file numbers / design numbers
The above numbers can be submitted with blanks. In this case, the numbers must be enclosed in double quotes.


Search forSearch Expression
Register number < 40 2008 002 838 >  RN = "40 2008 002 838"  
File number < 40 2008 002 838.4 >  AKZ = "40 2008 002 838.4" 
* Design number < 40 2008 002 838-0001 >  GSNR = "40 2008 002 838-0001" 

* Information on the input format of a design number:
Enter the four digits of the serial number of a design ("0001" in the above example); the leading zeros must be included.

- Design classes (classes of goods)
Example of a class of goods: 6-01

You can submit the a one digit class number in a one digit format [1 to 9] or a two digit format [01 to 09].

When entering the classification symbol, you can leave out the hyphen between the class ("6" in the example) and the sub-class ("01" in the example), if you add a leading zero to each of the one digit numbers.


Search forSearch Expression
Products of the class of goods 6   WKL = 6 
- alternative option -   WKL = 06 
Products of the class of goods 6-01   WKL = 06-01 
- alternative option -   WKL = 0601 
- alternative option -   WKL = 6-1 

Combining search terms by using operators

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/product < Behälter > in the class of goods 07-02   ( TI = behälter ODER ERZ = behälter ) UND WKL = 07-02 
Products of the class of goods 06-04, containing  
< Massivholz > in the (product)designation or in the description   WKL = 06-04 UND ( TI = massivholz ODER ERZ = massivholz ODER BE = massivholz ) 
Design of company < ABC > in the classes of goods 07, 07-02   INH = abc UND WKL = ( 07 ODER 07-02 ) 
Design of company < ABC > in all classes of goods, except for the classes 07, 07-02   INH = abc NICHT WKL = ( 07 ODER 07-02 ) 

If you wish to search for < und >, < oder >, < nicht > within a text field, please use double quotes to avoid that the search expression will be interpreted as containing a logical operator.


Search forSearch Expression
Designation/product < Spiegel und Rahmen >  TI = "spiegel und rahmen" ODER ERZ = "spiegel und rahmen" 

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/product < offener Schrank >  TI = offener(W)schrank ODER ERZ = offener(W)schrank 
Products of the class of goods 14-01, containing < MP3-Player > in the (product) designation or in the description   ( TI = mp3(W)player ODER ERZ = mp3(W)player ODER BE = mp3(W)player ) UND WKL = 14-01 
Designs containing the following search terms not adjacent to each other in the description.
Example: runde Ecken 
BE = Ecken AND BE = runde(NOTW)Ecken 
Designation/product containing < Wagen > and < ?golf? > in the order specified, with not more than 3 intervening words   TI = wagen(3W)?golf? ODER ERZ = wagen(3W)?golf? 
Designation/product consisting either of one word or two consecutive words will only be found by a combined search query.  TI =snow(D)Board 

The (L) operator:

The data fields "Owner", "Designer" and "Representative" provide good examples on how to use the (L) operator provided that several owners or several designers or several representatives have been recorded as joint owners/designers/representatives:
There is a specific section for each owner/designer/representative consisting of first name + name + town, etc. (in case of companies: name of company + town, etc).
If you submit < Heinz (L) Meier > you will get publications of "Heinz Peter Meier", but not the publications of the joint owners "Heinz Schulz" and "Uwe Meier" (in contrast to an AND search).

Numerical comparison operators

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designs applied for in 2009, in the class of goods 12-08, by US owners   AT = J-2009 UND INH = US UND WKL = 12-08 
Designs applied for in quarter 1/2009 by US owners   AT = Q1-2009 UND INH = US  
Designs of company ABC registered in month 12/2009   ET = M12-2009 UND INH = ABC  
Products in the class of goods 06-04 for which a design right was granted in publication week 33/2009   ET = KW33-2009 UND WKL = 06-04 
Products in the class of goods 06-04 applied for in the period from 15/11/2009 to 30/11/2009   AT >= 15.11.2009 UND AT <= 30.11.2009 UND WKL = 06-04  

Searches in the designs gazette (Geschmacksmusterblatt


Search forSearch Expression
New publications in the designs gazette, part 1 a "Registered designs", of 04/12/2009 (= publication week 49/2009) in the class of goods 03-01   VT = 04.12.2009 UND WKL = 03-01  
- " - (alternatively)   VT = KW49-2009 UND WKL = 03-01  
Designs of the class of goods 08-09, published in November 2009 in part 1 b of the designs gazette ("Subsequent publication of representations of designs")   WKL = 08-09 UND { VST = bekannt-nachgeholt UND VT = M11-2009 }  
New publications in the designs gazette (part 1 a) including those designs, published in the designs gazette/part 1 b in the publication week 49/2009 in the class of goods 12-16   WKL = 12-16 UND ( VT = KW49-2009 ODER { VST = bekannt-nachgeholt UND VT = KW49-2009 } )  
Designs of company < ABC >  INH = abc 
Designs ? exclusively type faces ? of company < Daimler AG > 
Note: Class 18-03 (formerly, "TYPO") is the only class of goods that contains type faces.   INH = ( Daimler (L) AG ) UND WKL = 18-03 
Designs ? no type faces ? of company "Daimler AG"   INH = ( Daimler (L) AG ) NICHT WKL = 18-03 
New publications of company < GM Global Technology > from the designs gazette, parts 1 a and 1 b, of the publication week 44/2009 (= 30/10/2009)   INH = ( GM (L) Global (L) Technology ) UND ( VT = KW44-2009 ODER { VST = bekannt-nachgeholt UND VT = KW44-2009 } ) 
New publications of company < GM Global Technology > in the class of goods 26-06 from the designs gazette, parts 1 a and 1 b, of the publication week 44/2009 (= 30/10/2009)   INH = ( GM (L) Global (L) Technology ) UND WKL = 26-06 UND ( VT = KW44-2009 ODER { VST = bekannt-nachgeholt UND VT = 30.10.2009 } ) 
Which designs of the class of goods 06-01 were published in the designs gazette of 18/09/2009 (publication week 38/2009) and a note indicating that protection has been renewed for the 6th to the 10th year?  { VST = aufrecht-6-10-jahr UND VT = 18.09.2009 } UND WKL = 06-01 
- " - (alternatively)   { VST = aufrecht-6-10-jahr UND VT = KW38-2009 } UND WKL = 06-01 
- " - (alternatively)   { VST = aufrecht-6-10-jahr UND PJ = 2009 UND HN = 38 } UND WKL = 06-01 
Which designs of the class of goods 25-02 were published in the designs gazettes of October 2009 and a note indicating that they were cancelled due to the expiry of the term of protection?   { VST = loe-ablauf-schutzfrist UND VT = M10-2009 } UND WKL = 25-02 

Explanations on the design status:

Design registered
Designs that were registered in the register.
This design status is displayed until the cancellation is recorded in the register, based on a request by the right owner or a third person (due to the fact that the design was found invalid) or as a consequence of the expiry of the term of protection.

Cancellation of the design due to the expiry of the term of protection is either due to the expiry of the maximum term of protection of 25 years or due to non-payment of fees for extension or renewal (before the relevant payment deadline).
Between the expiry of the payment period and when the cancellation is recorded in the register, there is time to allow for possible mail deliveries and bank transfers, and for business processing. During that time, the design status "Design registered" is displayed.

As a rule, the design is only searchable after registration in the register. Designs or design applications are not searchable in the DPMAregister service if they were not registered due to defects during the registration procedure or due to non-payment of the application fee.

Design registration cancelled
Designs that had been registered in the register and were cancelled later (cancellation due to a request by the right owner or a third person; cancellation due to invalidity of the design or the expiry of the term of protection).

Reinstatement requested
Designs that were cancelled, but for which reinstatement has been requested by the right owner with respect to the time limit for the payment of the extension fee or renewal fee.
This design status is displayed in the period, from receipt of the request for reinstatement until the decision on the request has become final.
After the decision on the request has become final, the design status displayed is either "Design registered" or "Design registration cancelled".

Design registration cancelled, paper file deleted
Designs for which there is no longer any paper file.
Five years after the cancellation of the design registration, (for multiple registrations: five years after the cancellation of the last design of a multiple registration), the paper file is destroyed.
The DPMA keeps only the representations. After the date of the destruction of the paper file, searches in a file (file inspection) are no longer possible.

Configure result list

In the section "Configure result list", you can specify which details of the results returned you wish to have displayed in the first overview. The fields "Design number" and "File number" are selected by default and cannot be disabled.

Furthermore, options are provided to sort the result list generated. For this purpose select the desired data field and define the sort order (ascending/descending).

Select the number of results to be displayed per page in a drop-down-menu.

The field "Max. number of results" enables you to limit the result lists to e.g. 250 or 500 results. If you restrict the number of results, the lists will be loaded faster, in particular in comparison to lists comprising 1,000 results.

For more information on this section, please see "Result list".

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