Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

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General information is available in the section DPMAregister > Help > Search modes > Expert search of the Help pages.

Input options in the search form

The javascript based functionalities help you to construct search queries.
If you utilise the following drop-down menus and buttons, you can construct an expert search query in the input field.
The link "Show input tools" provides the following options to help you construct a search query.

Available fields

'Operators and wildcards'


vPatent specification: Correction of defective patent specifications

Appeal allowed

R--- eferred back by Federal Patent Court to Patent and Trade Mark Office for new decision or registration


Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/title < Snowboard > or < Snow-Board > or < Snowboard-Bindung >...   TI= snowboard  
Designation/title as in the above example plus < Snow-Board-Bindung > or < Snow Board >...  TI= snow-board  
IP rights/applications of company < Leo > or < Leo-Media >...  INH = Leo  
IP rights/applications of company < L.e.o. > or < L E O > or < L/E/O > or < L.e.o. Media >...  INH = l.e.o.  

Please enclose a search expression in double quotes if it contains an apostrophe.
You can use single quotes instead of double quotes; in this case you must truncate the apostrophe with a preceding backslash \


Search forSearch Expression
IP rights/applications of company < Brink's >...  INH = "brink's"
INH = 'brink\'s' 

Truncated terms

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/title contains < Snowboard... >
[Snowboard, Snowboards, Snowboardstiefel, Snowboard-Bindung ...]  
TI= snowboard?  
Designation/title contains < ...stiefel >
[Stiefel, Skistiefel, Winterstiefel]  
TI= ?stiefel  
Designation/title starting with, ending with or containing in the word < ...stiefel... >
[Stiefel, Stiefelsohle, Skistiefel, Skistiefelsohle]  
TI= ?stiefel?  
Designation/title < Vektor > or < Vector >   TI= ve!or  
Designation/title < Skistiefel > or < Schistiefel >  TI= s##istiefel
TI= s!#istiefel  
Applicant/owner < Schmidt > or < Schmitt > or < Schmied > or < Schmitz >  INH = schmi!! 

Example of a search for certain owners and applications from regions with a postal code that begins with a seven and from a specific application year:

((inh=(hochschule(l)7!!!!) or inh=(universität(L)7!!!!)) und at=j-2010)
only applications from 2010 will be displayed.

Please enclose the entire search expression in brackets.


Search example:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/title < Möbel mit Kabelkanal >  TI = "möbel mit kabelkanal"
TI = 'möbel mit kabelkanal' 

Special input formats in certain search fields


Search forSearch Expression
File number < 10 2007 006 900.8 >  AKZ = 102007006900.8 
DE file number < 10 2007 006 900.8 >  DAKZ = "10 2007 006 900.8" 
European application number (EP file number) < 00 97 1404.9 >  EAKZ= '00 97 1404.9' 
International application number (WO file number) < PCT/EP00/10758 >  WAKZ = 'PCT EP 00 10758' 
EP publication number < 1 240 467 >  EPN = "1 240 467" 
WO publication number < 2001 040722 >  WPN = '2001 040722' 

Example of an IPC code: A01B 7/00
Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
IP rights/applications with IPC code < A01B7/00 >  IC = A01B7/00
IC = A01B7-00 
- with space  IC = "A01B 7/00"
IC = 'A01B 7/00' 
- standardised format  IC = A01B0007000000 
Main class of IPC code < F17D... >
(for all main groups/subgroups F17D1/05, F17D3/10, F17D5/08, a.o.) 
ICM = F17D? 
Main class of IPC code < F17D1... >
(for F17D1/00, F17D1/12, F17D1/20, a.o.) 
ICM = F17D1/? 
Secondary class of IPC code < F17D1/0. >
(for F17D1/00, F17D1/02, F17D1/06, a.o.) 
ICS = F17D1/0! 
IP rights/applications as in the above example plus < F17D1/065 >  ICS = F17D1/0? 

Combining search terms by using operators

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Abstract with different variations of the terms "Programmabschnitt", "Programmabschnitte", "Programmabschnitten"; "Administrator", "Administration" etc.  AB = (Programmabschnitt## AND Administrat?) 
Abstract contains < Antrieb... > as well as < Pedal > with not more than three words in between, irrespective of the order.  AB = antrieb?(3A)pedal 
Designation/title contains < Transport... > excluding < transportabel >  TI = transport? NOT TI = transportabel 
Designation/title < Behälter > within IPC code < C12M1/00 >  TI = behälter AND IC = C12M1/00  
IPC code < C12M1/00 > and designation < Behälter > in the title or in the abstract   IC=C12M1/00 AND (TI=behälter OR AB=behälter) 
Company < Shell > within IPC codes < F17D1/00 >, < F17D1/02 >  INH = shell AND IC = ( F17D1/00 OR F17D1/02 )  
Company < Hitachi > of all IPC codes < F03B... >, excluding < F03B15... >, < F03B17... >  INH = hitachi AND IC=F03B? NOT IC=(F03B15/? OR F03B17/?) 
Designation/title < Mobiltelefon > alternative spelling < Mobiltelephon > for utility models  SART=gebrauchsmuster AND
Designation/title < Mobiltelefon > alternative spelling < Mobiltelephon > for patents in force for which willingness to grant licences was declared  TI=mobiltele!#on AND SART=patent AND ST = anhaengig-in-kraft AND LIZ=lizenzbereitschaftserklaerung-vorhanden 

If you wish to search for < and >, < or >, < not > within a text field, please use double quotes to avoid that the search expression will be interpreted as containing a logical operator.


Search forSearch Expression
Company < Bosch and Siemens >  INH = "bosch and siemens" 

Proximity operators

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Designation/title < offener Radschlauch >  TI = offener(W)radschlauch 
Designation/title containing the words < leicht... > and < Heizöl... > directly following each other, with no words in between   TI = leicht?(W)heizöl? 
Designation/title containing the words < Schutz... > and < radioaktiv... > in the order specified, with not more than 3 intervening words   TI = schutz?(3W)radioaktiv? 
Designation/title containing the words < Chipkarte... > and < Schlüssel... > in any order, with not more than 5 intervening words   TI = chipkarte?(5A)schlüssel? 
Patents or utility models containing the following search terms not adjacent to each other in the abstract.
Example: mechanische Regler 
AB = Regler AND AB = mechanische(NOTW)Regler 
Designation/title containing the words,
< multimedia > or < Multi Media > or < multi-media > all three word combinations will only be found by a combined search query. 
TI= Multi(D)media 

The "L" operator

The data fields "Owner/inventor", "Inventor" and "Representative" provide good examples on how to use the "L" operator provided that an association of applicants/owners (more than one applicant/owner) or an association of inventors (more that one inventor) or an association of representatives (more than one representative) have been entered in these fields.
There is a specific data section for each individual applicant/owner/inventor/representative consisting of first name + name + town, etc. (in case of companies: name of company + town etc).
If you submit < Heinz (L) Meier > you will get also the IP rights/ IP applications of "Heinz Peter Meier", but not those of the joint owners "Heinz Schulz" and "Uwe Meier" (in contrast to an AND search).

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Applicant/owner Herbert Potyka  INH = herbert(L)potyka 
Applicant/owner Klaus Huber from Hamburg  INH = klaus(L)huber(L)hamburg 
Applicant/owner Paul Douglas, Canada  INH = paul(L)douglas(L)ca 
Inventor Peter Müller, Linz/Austria  IN = peter(L)müller(L)linz(L)at 
Inventor Peter Müller, Linz/Germany  IN = peter(L)müller(L)linz(L)de 
Representative Franz Maier, Essen/Germany  VTR=franz(L)maier(L)essen(L)de 

Numerical comparison operators

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Applications/IP rights with (current) applicant/owner < Deere > for IPC code < A01D41/00 >   INH = deere AND IC = A01D41/00 
Applicant/owner from the USA with a filing date of the 4th quarter of 2010   INH = US AND AT = Q4-2010 
Patent applications of company < Intel > first published in the month of 12/2010   INH = intel AND OT = M12-2010 
Utility models of IPC code < E04C 2/00 >, which were registered in the publication week 33/2010   SART = gebrauchsmuster AND IC = E04C2/00 AND ET = KW33-2010 
Main class of IPC code < E04C 2/00 > with a filing date before 31 March 2008   ICM = E04C2/00 AND AT < 31.03.2008 
Main class of the IPC code < E04C 2/00 > with a filing date after 31 March 2008   ICM = E04C2/00 AND AT >31.03.2008 
Main class of IPC code < E04C 2/00 > with a filing date between 01 April and 15 June 2007  ICM = E04C2/00 AND AT >01.04.2007 AND AT < 15.06.2007 
Main class of IPC code < E04C 2/00 > with the filing date of 31 March 2008 or earlier   ICM = E04C2/00 AND AT <= 31.03.2008 
Main class of IPC codes < A01M1/10 > or < A01M1/12 > or < A01M1/14 > with a filing date within the time period between 01 February and 15 March 2008  ICM = (A01M1/10 OR A01M1/12 OR A01M1/14) AND AT >= 01.02.2008 AND AT <= 15.03.2008 
IPC code < A47L9... > with a priority date before 01 September 2008 and the term < Dreh... > in the field Designation/title or in the abstract  IC=A47L9/? AND PRD<01.09.2008 AND (TI=dreh? OR AB=dreh?) 

Curly brackets { }

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Checks whether any legal/procedural status change became effective in the month of September 2010 for the company < Denso >.  { VSTT=M9-2010 } AND INH=denso 
Checks whether any legal/procedural status change became effective in the month of September 2010 for the company < Denso > - excluding legal/procedural statuses concerning new publications of DE documents(documents with the country code DE).  { VSTT=M9-2010 } NOT { PART=schriften AND VSTT=M9-2010} AND INH=denso 
Checks whether a legal/procedural status is shown relating to the new publication of a DE document in the month of September 2010 for the company < Denso >.  { PART=schriften AND VSTT=M9-2010} AND INH=denso 
Above search plus:
Legal/procedural status relating to the new publication of
a) EP patent application with designation DE with/without search report (kind code A1, A2)
b) EP patent specification with designation DE (kind code B1). 
( { PART=schriften AND VSTT=M9-2010} OR { VST = ep-anmeldung-epa-erstveroeffentlichung AND VSTT=M9-2010} OR { VST = ep-anmeldung-veroeffentlichung-ep-patenterteilung AND VSTT=M9-2010 } ) AND INH=denso  
Checks whether the examining unit issued a decision on grant in the week 30/2010 for the IPC subclasses < A01K... > or < A01M... >.  { VST = pruefung-erteilungsbeschluss AND VSTT=KW30-2010 } AND IC=(A01K? OR A01M?) 
Checks whether utility models were registered in the week 30/2010 for the IPC subclasses < A01K... > < A01M... >.  { VST = gebrauchsmuster-eintragung AND VSTT=KW30-2010 } AND IC=(A01K? OR A01M?)  
Simultaneously checks
a) whether the examining unit issued a decision on grant
b) whether utility models were registered in the week 30/2010 for the IPC subclasses < A01K... > < A01M... > 
( { VST = pruefung-erteilungsbeschluss AND VSTT=KW30-2010 } OR { VST = gebrauchsmuster-eintragung AND VSTT=KW30-2010 } ) AND IC=(A01K? OR A01M?) 
Finds published patent applications of the IPC subclass < G01B... > for which the legal status that the examination request was received pursuant to Sec. 44 Patent Law, became effective in October 2010.  {VST = pruefung-antrag-wirksam AND VSTT=J-2010} AND IC=G01B? 
Finds patent applications of the IPC subclass < G06F... > for which the legal status "The application is deemed withdrawn due to non-filing of examination request" became effective in August 2010.   { VST = zuruecknahme-nichtsstellung-pruefungsantrag AND VSTT=M8-2010 } AND IC=G06F? 
Finds IP rights/IP applications of the company < Pacific > for which the legal status "The application is deemed withdrawn due to non-payment of the annual fee/the IP right has lapsed due to non-payment of the annual fee" became effective in August 2010.  { VST = zuruecknahme-erloeschen-nichtzahlung-jahresgebuehr AND VSTT=M8-2010 } AND INH=pacific 
Finds IP applications/IP rights of the current and previous applicant/owner < Siemens > for which the legal status "Application withdrawn/IP right abandoned" became effective between 01 January and 10 January 2010.  { VST = zuruecknahme-verzicht AND VSTT>=01.01.2010 AND VSTT<=10.01.2010} AND ( INH=siemens OR { INHF=siemens } ) 

Search in the patent gazette of the DPMA (Patentblatt) for information on new publications of documents

The search expression
{ VART=publikationen AND PART=schriften AND VSTT= publication date of the patent gazette of the DPMA }
allows to search for publications indicated in the following table.

code -
Kind code 
Kind code  Text displayed in the register information in the table "Procedural data" in the column "Legal/ procedural status"  Individual search:
Search option for individual kinds of documents by means of respective legal (procedural) status search:
Expert search > dropdown menu "Possible legal status" > selection of respective entry  
DE - A1  Offenlegungsschrift (first publication of application)
Example: DE 10 2009 023 803 A1 
1st publication of application (Offenlegungsschrift)   Pub - 1st publication of application (Offenlegungsschrift)
{ VST = pub-offenlegungschrift AND VSTT=05.01.2011 } AND IC=A47C15/00 
DE - A5  Mention of the publication of an international application in the German language
Example: DE 11 2007 002 302 A5  
Publication of the mention regarding a WO publication  Pub - PCT application - publication in German language
IC=C09D? AND { VST = pub-pct-anmeldung-veroeffentlichung-in-deutscher-sprache AND VSTT =02.07.2009 } 
DE - A8  Correction of the title page of Offenlegungsschrift (first publication of application)
Example: DE 10 2010 013 522 A8 
1st publication of application: Correction of defective title pages  Pub -1st publication of application - re-print of title pages
{ VST = pub-offenlegungschrift-neudruck-titelseiten AND VSTT=20.01.2011 } 
DE - A9  Correction of Offenlegungsschrift (first publication of application)
Example: DE 10 2010 011 509 A9  
1st publication of application: Correction of defective publications of application (Offenlegungsschriften)  Pub -1st publication of application - re-print  
DE - A9  Correction of the mention of the publication of an international application in the German language   Correction of the mention regarding the international publication in German language   Pub - PCT application - publication in German language ? re-print 
DE - B3  Patent specification without prior publication of Offenlegungsschrift (publication of application)
Example: DE 10 2010 018 780 B3  
Patent specification  Pub - Patent specification 
DE - B4  Patent specification after prior publication of Offenlegungsschrift (publication of application)
Example: DE 103 26 214 B4 
Patent specification  Pub - Patent specification 
DE - B8  Correction of the title page of a patent specification
Example: DE 102 45 329 B8  
Patent specification: Correction of defective title pages  Pub - Patent specification - re-print of title pages 
DE - B9  Correction of the patent specification
Example: DE 103 40 629 B9  
Patent specification: Correction of defective patent specifications  Pub - Patent specification - re-print 
DE - C5  Amended patent specification
(for example after opposition procedure)
Example: DE 199 25 757 C5 
Amended patent specification  Pub - Amended patent specification 
DE - C8  Correction of title page of an amended patent specification
Example: DE 10 2004 005 803 C8 
Patent specification: Correction of defective title pages  Pub - Amended patent specification - re-print of title pages  
DE - C9  Correction of an amended patent specification
Example: 10 2004 060 896 C9 
Patent specification: Correction of defective patent specifications  Pub - Amended patent specification - re-print 
DE - T1  Publication of patent claims of an EP patent application in German translation
Example: DE 10 162 002 T1 
Translation EP claims  Pub - Translation EP claims 
DE - T2  Translation of a European patent specification, provided the mention on the grant of the EP patent was issued before 01 May 2008 in the European Patent Bulletin - London Agreement
Example: DE 600 22 913 T2  
Translation of EP patent specification  Pub - Translation of EP patent specification  
DE - T3  Translation of amended European patent specification
Example: DE 603 07 885 T3  
Translation of amended EP patent specification  Pub - Translation of amended EP patent specification  
DE - T4  Corrected translation of a European patent specification
Example: DE 603 19 204 T4 
Correction of translation of European patent specification  Pub - Corrected translation of EP patent specification 
DE - T4  Corrected translation of an amended European patent specification
Example: DE 695 34 295 T4 
Corrected translation of amended EP patent specification  Pub - Corrected translation of amended EP patent specification 
DE - T5  Publication of an international application in German translation
Example: DE 198 82 897 T5  
Publication of translation of PCT application  Pub - PCT application - publication in German translation 
DE - T8  Correction of title page of the publication of the patent claims of an EP application in German translation
Example: DE 06 722 936 T8 
Translation of EP claims: Correction of defective title pages  Pub - Translation EP claims - re-print of title pages 
DE - T8  Correction of title page of the translation of an EP patent specification
Example: DE 60 2006 000 402 T8 
Re-print title page of translation of European patent specification  Pub - Translation of EP patent specification? re-print of title pages 
DE - T8  Correction of title page of the translation of an amended EP patent specification
Example: DE 699 24 826 T8 
Re-print title page of translation of amended European patent specification  Pub - Translation of amended EP patent specification - re-print of title pages 
DE - T8  Correction of title page of the corrected translation of an EP patent specification
Example: DE 600 36 624 T8 
Re-print title page of corrected translation of European patent specification  Pub - Corrected translation of EP specification - re-print of title pages 
DE - T8  Correction of title page of the corrected translation of an amended EP patent specification  Re-print title page of corrected translation of amended European patent specification  Pub - Corrected translation of amended EP specification - re-print of title pages 
DE - T8  Correction of title page of the publication of an international application in German translation
Example: DE 199 83 744 T8 
Correction of defective title pages of translation of the PCT specification  Pub - PCT application - publication in German translation re-print of title pages 
DE - T9  Correction of the publication of the patent claims of an EP application in German translation
Example: DE 02 763 538 T9 
Translation EP claims: Correction of defective translations  Pub - Translation EP claims - re-print  
DE - T9  Correction of the translation of an EP patent specification
Example DE 603 14 090 T9 
Re-print of translation of European patent specification   Pub - Translation of EP patent specification- re-print  
DE - T9  Correction of the translation of an amended EP patent specification
Example: DE 601 03 636 T9 
Re-print of translation of amended European patent specification   Pub - Translation of amended EP patent specification - re-print  
DE - T9  Correction of the corrected translation of an EP patent specification  Re-print of corrected translation of European patent specification  Pub - Corrected translation of EP specification - re-print  
DE - T9  Correction of the corrected translation of an amended EP patent specification  Re-print of corrected translation of amended European specification  Pub - Corrected translation of amended EP specification - re-print  
DE - T9  Correction of the publication of an international application in German translation
Example: DE 103 92 783 T9 
Correction of defective translations of PCT specification  Pub - PCT application - publication in German translation re-print  
DE - U1  Utility model specification
Example: DE 20 2009 012 549 U1 
Utility model specification   Pub - Utility model specification 
DE - U8  Correction of the title page of a utility model specification
Example: 20 2010 006 434 U8  
Utility model specification: Correction of defective title pages  Pub - Utility model specification? re-print of title pages 
DE - U9  Correction of utility model specification
Example: DE 20 2010 005 473 U9  
Utility model specification: Correction of defective utility model specifications  Pub - Utility model specification- re-print  

Search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Publications (documents with the country code DE) of 09 December 2010 within IPC subclass < G01N >  { PART=schriften AND VSTT=09.12.2010} AND IC=G01N? 
- " - (other search option)  { PART=schriften AND VT=09.12.2010} AND IC=G01N?  
Publications (documents with the country code DE) of 09 December 2010 of applicant/owner < Mitsubishi >  { PART=schriften AND VSTT=09.12.2010} AND INH=mitsubishi 

Other search examples:

Search forSearch Expression
Publications in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette) of legal/procedural status changes referring to the applicant/owner < Denso > in the month of November 2010 - excluding legal/procedural statuses concerning new publications of DE documents (documents with the country code DE)   { VT=M11-2010 } NOT { PART=schriften AND VSTT=M11-2010} AND INH=denso 
Publications in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette) of
a) publications of DE documents
b) legal/procedural status changes
regarding the applicant/owner < Denso > in the month of November 2010 
{ VT=M11-2010 } AND INH=denso 
Publications in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette) of 21 October 2010, parts 7a1 and 7b1 "Zertifikatsanmeldungen", for IPC class < C07... >  SART=schutzzertifikat AND OT=21.10.2010 AND IC=C07? 
Publications in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette) of 21 October 2010, part 7b2 "Erteilte Zertifikate", plant protection products only   SART=schutzzertifikat AND VZ=pflanzenschutzmittel AND PET=21.10.2010 
Publication of EP patent specifications (kind code B1) with designation DE of 30 June 2010 (beginning of opposition period) for the owner < Maasland >
[European Patent Bulletin, part II.1.1 "Granted European Patents "] 
{VST = ep-anmeldung-veroeffentlichung-ep-patenterteilung AND VSTT=30.06.2010} AND INH=maasland 
Publication of amended EP patent specifications after opposition procedure (kind code B2) with designation DE of 2 June 2010 concerning IPC class < A61... >
[European Patent Bulletin, part II.1.2 "Maintenance of the European patent as amended"] 
{ VST = ep-anmeldung-aufrechterhaltung-in-geaendertem-umfang AND VSTT=02.06.2010 } AND IC=A61? 
Publication of EP patent specifications with designation DE due to a limitation procedure (kind code B3) of 17 February 2010 concerning the IPC classes < B42... > < B62... >
[European Patent Bulletin, part II.1.3 "Amended European patents after limitation procedure "] 
{ VST = beschraenkung-epa-rechtskraft-patentbeschraenkung AND VSTT=17.02.2010} AND IC = (B42? OR B62?) 
Publication of EP patent applications with designation DE with/without search report (kind codes A1, A2) of 01 September 2010 concerning the IPC subclass < A01K... >
[European Patent Bulletin, parts I.1.1 and I.1.2]  
{ VST = ep-anmeldung-epa-erstveroeffentlichung AND VSTT=01.09.2010} AND IC=A01K? 
To simultaneously check whether
a) EP patent specifications (kind code B1) with designation DE
b) EP patent specifications after the opposition procedure (kind code B2) with designation DE
c) EP patent specifications due to a limitation procedure (kind code B3) with designation DE
d) EP patent applications with/without search report (kind codes A1, A2) with designation DE
were published for the week 30/2010 in the IPC subclass < A61P... >. 
( { VST = ep-anmeldung-veroeffentlichung-ep-patenterteilung AND VSTT=KW30-2010 } OR { VST = ep-anmeldung-aufrechterhaltung-in-geaendertem-umfang AND VSTT= KW30-2010 } OR { VST = beschraenkung-epa-rechtskraft-patentbeschraenkung AND VSTT= KW30-2010 } OR { VST = ep-anmeldung-epa-erstveroeffentlichung AND VSTT = KW30-2010 } ) AND IC=A61P? 
Publications within the IPC group H05B6/10:
All DE documents (see above table) of 20 January 2011 and
European patent applications (EP-A1, EP-A2) of 19 January 2011 and
European patent specifications (EP-B1) of 19 January 2011 
( { PART=schriften AND VSTT= 20.01.2011 } OR { VST = ep-anmeldung-epa-erstveroeffentlichung AND VSTT=19.01.2011} OR { VST = ep-anmeldung-veroeffentlichung-ep-patenterteilung AND VSTT=19.01.2011 } ) AND IC=H05B6/10 
Rights in rem, as for example
"Pfandrecht" [Lien]
"Pfandrecht aufgehoben" [Lien terminated]
"Insolvenzverfahren eröffnet" [Insolvency proceedings initiated]
were published with regard to applicants/owners from the USA in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette) in the month of October 2010.
[DPMA Patentblatt, parts 2 i and 3 i]

Please note:
The table "Display of procedures" that opens by a click on Show detail does not contain any concrete information on the legal/procedural status "Other". This information is provided in the respective patent gazette (Patentblatt) referred to in that table (see criterion: "Issue number", "Year", "Part"). 
{ VT=M10-2010 AND VST = sonstiges } AND INH=us 
Publications in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette), part 2a1 "Offenlegungen" (kind code A1), of 07 October 2010 (publication week 40/2010) within the IPC subclass < H05H... >   { VST = pub-offenlegungschrift AND VSTT=07.10.2010 } AND IC=H05H? 
- " - (other search option)   { VST = pub-offenlegungschrift AND HN=40 AND PJ=2010 } AND IC=H05H? 
Publications in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette), part 2a1 "Folgende Patente sind ohne vorherige Offenlegung erteilt worden" (kind code B3), of 14 October 2010 (beginning of the opposition period) within the IPC subclass < G01N... >  OT=14.10.2010 AND PET=14.10.2010 AND IC=G01N? 
Publications in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette), part 3a1 "Erteilungen nach Durchführung des Prüfungsverfahrens" (kind codes B3, B4), of 14 October 2010 (beginning of the opposition period) within the IPC subclass < A61B... >  { VST = pub-patentschrift AND VSTT=14.10.2010 } AND IC=A61B? 
Publications in the DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette), part 4a1 "Gebrauchsmuster - Eintragungen" (kind code U1), of 09 September 2010 within the IPC subclass < G01N... >  SART = gebrauchsmuster AND PET=09.09.2010 AND IC=G01N? 
DPMA Patentblatt (patent gazette), No. 23/2010 of 10 June 2010:
Publication of changes of IPC main class - new IPC code < B60T... > 
{ VST = klassifikationsaenderung-hauptklasse AND PJ=2010 AND HN=23 } AND ICM=B60T? 
- " - (other search option)  { VST = klassifikationsaenderung-hauptklasse AND VT=10.06.2010 } AND ICM=B60T? 

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In the "Configure result lists" section you can customise your result list. Tick the checkboxes provided which correspond to the columns to be displayed on the result list.
The field "File number" is set by default and may not be disabled

You can choose from the following fields

The drop-down menu "Sort result list by" allows you to determine the sequence of the results by one of the data fields provided. Select the desired data field and choose (ascending/descending) order.

The drop-down menu labelled "Results/page" allows you to choose the number of results (10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 1,000) to be displayed per page. The default value is 50.

The field "Maximum number of results" enables you to limit the result lists to e.g. 250 or 500 results. If you restrict the number of results, the lists will be loaded faster, in particular in comparison to lists comprising 1,000 results.
For more information on this section, please see "Result list".

"Start search" button:

Click the button labelled "Start search" to submit a query with your search terms. If the search returns at least one file number, a result list will be displayed.

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