Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Input options in the search form

There are four checkboxes above the input fields for narrowing your search to the following types of IP:

If all the checkboxes are ticked, your search covers all available data.

Various input fields are provided on the search form. For more information on these fields please read the section on "Search fields > Patents/utility models" of the help pages.

Input field "File number/publication number" (global field):

Your search will simultaneously cover the following fields:

Publication number DD
Identification number of a published document of the Office for Inventions and Patents (GDR)
Please enter number without DD and without kind code in the search form of the Beginner's or Expert search Input formats see below.

Publication number DE
Identification number of a publication of the German translation of the international application (WO - PCT) or publication of the German translation of the patent claims of the European patent application Please enter number without country code and without kind code.

Further information:

You can only enter a file number or publication number in this field.

If the file number that you have is inaccurate or incomplete or if you are not sure whether the publication number communicated to you is correct, it may be advisable to use a wild card.
Meaning of wildcards used:
? represents any number of characters or no characters
! represents precisely one character
# represents one character or no characters

If you enter the number without a wildcard, the # wildcard will be automatically added at the end of your search value. This ensures that the search for file numbers returns the desired result even without entering the correct check digit.

Possible entry formats:

Input field "Title":

Depending on the type of IP, this field allows you to search for:

You can enter several search terms in the field. The AND operator is applied automatically to combine the individual terms. The search will return only those results which include all your specified search terms in the title.

Search terms with a variety of spellings:
Example: Personal-Computer, Personalcomputer, Personal Computer
If possible, enter the term with a hyphen for your search; this search will find the largest number of variant spellings and, consequently, return the largest number of relevant publications:
< Personal-Computer > finds the variants "Personal-Computer", "Personal Computer", "Personalcomputer", while a search for
a. < Personal Computer > will not find the spelling "Personalcomputer" and a search for
b. < Personalcomputer > will not find the spelling "Personal Computer"

The search is case insensitive.

Furthermore, it is possible to search for sequence of words by using a phrase search. Enclosing several words in single or double quotes ensures that you will get results only for those searches that include the words exactly as you typed them in.

Meaning of wildcards used:
? represents any number of characters or no characters
! represents precisely one character
# represents one character or no characters

Search forSearch Expression
< Mikroprozessor >  mikroprozessor  
< Mikroprozessor > and < Speicher >  mikroprozessor speicher 
< Mikroprozessor > and < Schutz > and < Speicher >  mikroprozessor schutz speicher  
Word string < Speicher für einen Mikroprozessor >  "speicher für einen mikroprozessor"  
< Mikrowelle > alternative spelling < Microwelle >  mi!rowelle  
< Mikroprozessor > alternative spelling < microprocessor >  mi!ropro!essor  
< Mikrowelle > alternative spelling < Mikrowellen >  mikrowelle# 
< Mikrowelle(n) > alternative spelling < Microwelle(n) >  mi!rowelle#  
< Mikrowelle... > alternative spelling < Microwelle... >
Examples: Mikrowelle, Mikrowellenherd, microwellengeeignet  
< ...mikroprozessor >
Examples: Mikroprozessor, Sprachmikroprozessor, Multimikroprozessor  

Input field "Applicant/owner/inventor" (global field):

A search in this field simultaneously finds current applicants, owners and inventors of published patent applications and patents including supplementary protection certificates as well as owners of published utility models.

Applicants and owners may be natural or legal persons (for example, companies), inventors can only be natural persons.
Indicating the names of inventors is only applicable in the patent procedure; consequently, utility model data do not include the field "Inventor".

If you enter more than one word (for example, first name + family name) in this global field, all the terms are automatically combined by the "L" operator. This proximity operator (in contrast to the AND operator) does not search in the entire data field but only within individual sections (segments) of a data field.
Example for the composition of a segment: first name + family name + town + country code.
The fields "Applicant/owner" and "Inventor" may contain more than one segment - depending on the number of applicants/owners/inventors (example: associations of applicants)
Your search terms must appear in the same segment of the data field "Applicant/owner" or "Inventor" in order to return a result from your search. The search combines the search terms in the desired correlation.
Example 1: The search term < Heinz Meier > will return IP rights/ IP applications of "Heinz Peter Meier" among others. The search does not return IP rights/ IP applications of the joint owners "Heinz Schulz" and "Uwe Meier".
Example 2: You want to find IP rights/ IP applications of a Kamps company, located in Hamburg. You do not have more information. The search expression < Kamps Hamburg > does not return the joint applicants "Karl Kamps, Köln" and "Pamela Schmidt, Hamburg".

The search is case insensitive.

The following table contains input examples for the search mode "Beginner".

Meaning of wildcards used:
? represents any number of characters or no characters
! represents precisely one character
# represents one character or no characters

Search forSearch Expression
Heinrich Schmidt   Heinrich Schmidt  
Company "Schmidt und Söhne" alternative spelling "Schmidt & Söhne"  schmidt söhne 
"Schmidt" of Hamburg   schmidt hamburg  
Applicant/Owner/Inventor from Canada
[Country codes in WIPO-Standard ST. 3]  
Company "Smith" in Canada   smith ca  
Schmidt alternative spelling Schmid   schmid#  
Schmitt alternative spelling Schmitz   schmit!  
Examples: Schmitt, Kleinschmitt, Goldschmitt  
Examples: Schmidl, Schmiedler, Schmidleitner  

Input field "Date of publication":

In this field you search for documents published on the day or within the date range indicated by you, whose publication was mentioned in the patent gazette.
The following list indicates the relevant kind codes of documents issued by the DPMA (see also DPMAinformativ Nr. 2):

In this field you can only enter one specific date or one specific date range.

Wildcards are not allowed.

Possible entry formats:

Example  Scheme  Type 
06.03.2009   German format  
6.03.2009   German format  
06.3.2009   dd.m.yyyy   German format  
6.3.2009   d.m.yyyy   German format  
06.03.09   German format  
6.03.09   German format  
06.3.09   dd.m.yy   German format  
6.3.09   d.m.yy   German format  
20091026   yyyymmdd  ISO format (without separators)  

Example  Scheme  Explanation 
M1-2009   M < mm > - < yyyy >  all data records from the 1st month of the year 2009 (January 2009)  
KW12-2009   KW < ww > - < yyyy >  all data records from the 12th publication week of 2009  
Q3-2009   Q < q > - < yyyy >  all data records from the 3rd quarter of 2009  
J-2009   J- < yyyy >  all data records from the year 2009  

Input field "IPC main class / secondary class" (global field):

The global field provides the option to simultaneously search in the

Information on the International Patent Classification is available by clicking the link "IPC" provided in the input form above the search fields.

You can enter only one IPC symbol in this field.

You can also find lower-level places of the IPC by using wildcards in your search expression. Please consider, above all, that you may reach the maximum number of 1,000 results to be displayed.

Meaning of wildcards used:
? represents any number of characters or no characters
! represents precisely one character
# represents one character or no characters

Possible entry formats (examples):
F17D 5/00 (with space)
F17D0005000000 (standardised)
F17D? (for all main/ sub groups, F17D1/05, F17D3/10, F17D5/00 a.o.)
F17D1/? (for F17D1/00, F17D1/12, F17D1/20 a.o.)
F17D1/1! (for F17D1/12, F17D1/13, F17D1/14 a.o.)

Checkbox "Show only IP rights in force":

Tick this checkbox to narrow your search to those IP rights/IP applications that have the current file status "Pending/ in force" at the time of the search: the search returns published applications for the patent area; for the patent/ utility model area the search also returns the respective granted IP rights. The search result does not include lapsed IP rights and applications deemed to be withdrawn (status "Not pending/lapsed").
If this checkbox is unchecked, the search results include all above mentioned legal statuses, however, the search will only return patent applications that are deemed to be withdrawn if the application had been published before the withdrawal (date of the publication of a patent application: as a rule, 18 months after the filing date).

Configure result list

In the "Configure result lists" section you can customise your result list. Tick the checkboxes provided which correspond to the columns to be displayed on the result list.
The fields "File number" and "Type of IP right" are selected by default and cannot be unchecked.

You can choose from the following fields

The drop-down menu "Sort result list by" allows you to determine the sequence of the results by one of the data fields provided. Select the desired data field and choose (ascending/descending) order.

The drop-down menu labelled "Results/page" allows you to choose the number of results (10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 1,000) to be displayed per page. The default value is 50.

The field "Maximum number of results" enables you to limit the result lists to e.g. 250 or 500 results. If you restrict the number of results, the lists will be loaded faster, in particular in comparison to lists comprising 1,000 results.
For more information on this section, please see "Result list".

"Start search" button:

Click the button labelled "Start search" to submit a query with your search terms. If the search returns at least one file number, a result list will be displayed.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 13.08.2019