Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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Input options in the search form

Only one entry is admissible in numerical fields and date fields - except for the field "Class of goods".
If you enter two or three classification symbols in the "Class of goods" field, these will automatically be connected by the OR operator.
You can enter several search terms, separated by blanks, in the fields "Designation/Product(s)" and "Owner".

Please note that these two fields use different automatic search operators. This is of relevance when you enter more than one search term:

Terms entered in the "Designation/Product(s)" field will automatically be connected by AND:
The search will exclusively return designs whose records contain all terms entered in the search field.
If you additionally enclose several terms, separated by blanks, in single or double quotes, a phrase search will be performed.
Examples: If you search exclusively for designs whose (product) designation is "MP3 player", please enter <"MP3 Player" > or < 'MP3 Player' >.
If you wish to find "MP3-Music-Player" or similar designations too, please do not use the phrase search.
The search is case insensitive.

In the "Owner" field, the (L) operator will be used automatically. This operator allows targeted searching within the data field, which can contain data of more than one owner (in case of joint ownership):
If you enter < Heinz Meier >, you will get publications of "Heinz Peter Meier", but not the publications of the joint owners "Heinz Schulz" and "Uwe Meier" (in contrast to an AND search).
The "Owner" field, too, is case insensitive.

You can enter search terms using wildcards.
Example (in the "Owner" field): < Raiffeisen? >

You can limit your search results as required:

The search results include also designs which have been cancelled. If you do not need these results, tick the box "Skip cancelled applications".

Tick the box "Skip designs with deferred publication of representation" to exclude such designs from your result list for which reproductions are not available yet.

For more information and other examples please see the "Expert search" menu item.

If you require information about the trade marks covered by a search, please see "Data available" in the Help menu.

Configure result list

In the section "Configure result list", you can specify which details of the results returned you wish to have displayed in the first overview. The fields "Design number" and "File number" are selected by default and cannot be disabled.

Furthermore, options are provided to sort the result list generated. For this purpose select the desired data field and define the sort order (ascending/descending).
Select the number of results to be displayed per page in a drop-down-menu.

The field "Max. number of results" enables you to limit the result lists to e.g. 250 or 500 results. If you restrict the number of results, the lists will be loaded faster, in particular in comparison to lists comprising 1,000 results.

You have a choice of three different "View" options for displaying the result list. Please tick either "Matrix", or "Image gallery", or "Table".

For more information on this section, please see "Result list".
At the bottom of the search form you will find two buttons:
Click "Start search" to submit your query. If your query is successful you will get a result list.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 05.08.2019