Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

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Search fields (master data) - patents/utility models

The following overview lists the data fields available (master data) in the input forms of the search modes.

Please note that the number and kind of included fields have been subject to changes over the years. If your search relates to older data, you cannot rely on all relevant fields being available electronically for each IP right or each IP application.

The first column of the following table contains the respective INID code - where attributed - for the identification of bibliographic data.
An overview of all INID codes for bibliographic data relating to patents (including supplementary protection certificates, utility models and topographies) is available in the WIPO Standard ST.9.

The second column contains the actual field names of the individual search fields.

The corresponding search field code (acronym) is indicated in the third column. You need the acronyms to create a query in the Expert search mode. On the respective input form you will find many helper functions in the form of drop-down lists.

The fourth column shows the type of IP attributable to each individual field.
P = patent
Z = supplementary protection certificate
G = utility model
T = topography
Example: The field Inventor (IN) refers exclusively to patents (type of IP) while the field Applicant/owner (INH) covers all four types of IP.

The columns "Basic search", "Monitoring" and "Expert search" show whether a data field is searchable within the specific search mode. Searchable fields are identified by a plus sign, fields not searchable within a specific mode, by a minus sign.

The "Type of entry" column contains a note for the respective search field, indicating which form can be used for creating a search.

The last column contains an explanation of the individual fields. The integrated hyperlinks chosen relate to specific topics but the selection is not exhaustive.
An example for the Expert search is shown for each field, provided the field is searchable in that search mode. Detailed information on how to perform expert searches are available in the help pages section Search modes.

General master data
Master data patents/utility models
Master data patents
Master data utility models
Master data supplementary protection certificates

General master data
INID code  Field name  Acronym  Type of IP  Basic search  Monitoring  Expert search  Type of entry  Search information/ search examples

Definition (field content)  
71, 73  Applicant/owner  INH  P, Z, G, T  text  Name, location/domicile and country code of the current applicant/owner.
Information on the applicant's history including dates of possible transfers of rights available in the detail view of the legal/procedural status "New applicant/owner details".

Example - Expert search:
INH = kneissl  
22, 96, 86  Application date (filing date)
(global field for search only) 
AT  P, Z, G, T  date  Simultaneous search in the fields:
DE application date
EP application date
WO application date

Example - Expert search:
AT = 09.02.2009  
23  Date of Legal/procedural, status  VSTT
P, Z, G, T  Date  Search for legal/procedural statuses for different types of procedure

Example of an expert search for the week 5/2013

{VSTT=kw5-2013} or
  Date of publication of grant/ registration/ issue of certificate   PET  P, Z, G, T  date  Date of publication of the mention in the German patent gazette (Patentblatt) regarding a:
patent specification
utility model specification
grant of a supplementary protection certificate
topography registration

Basic search possible in the field "Date of publication".

Example - Expert search:
PET = 20.05.2010  
  Date of publication
(global field; for search only) 
PUB  P, Z, G, T  date  Simultaneous search for a publication date regarding the fields
"Published DE documents" (DEPN)
"Published EP /WO documents" (EPWOPN)

Supplementary protection certificates: "Date of publication of application for certificate" (OT)
Supplementary protection certificates: "Date of publication of issue of certificate" (PET)

Topographies: "Date of publication of registration" (ET)

The search refers to a date (or a date range from ... to....) when the publication of documents were mentioned in the German patent gazette (Patentblatt).
First publications of applications
Patent specifications
Utility model specifications
Corrections of patent and utility model specifications

Example - Expert search:
PUB = 06.05.2010  
  Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister  EREGT  P,Z,G,T  Date  Search for data which were provided for the first time for DPMAregister on a specific date or within a specific date range

Search possible for data from June 2011 onwards

Example of an expert search:
  Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregister  REGT  P,Z,G,T  Date  Search for data which were updated for DPMAregister on a specific date or within a specific date range

Search possible for data from June 2011 onwards

Example of an expert search:
22  DE application date (filing date)  DAT  P, Z, G, T  date  Valid application date (filing date) for DE (Germany)

Example - Expert search:
DAT = 09.02.2009  
21  DE file number  DAKZ  P, Z, G, T  text  National file nummber of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office

Example - Expert search:
DAKZ = 19843316.6  
54  Designation/title  TI  P, G, T  text  Designation/title of an application or an IP right

Note concerning the Basic search:
A search in the field "Title" (TI) also covers a search for supplementary protection certificates in the field " Product designation" (TIEZ).

Example - Expert search:
TI = rasenmäher  
  Due date  FT/FG  P, Z, G  date/text  FT (Due date): Date when the next fee is due to regularly renew/maintain an IP right or a patent application.

Possible search values in field "FG" (Fee due):

A. Patents (including patent applications):
- pat-zer-jahr-3
- pat-zer-jahr-4
- pat-zer-jahr-5
- ...
- pat-zer-jahr-20
- pat-zer-jahr-21
- pat-zer-jahr-22
- pat-zer-jahr-23
- pat-zer-jahr-24
- pat-zer-jahr-25
- pat-zer-jahr-26

B. Utility models :
- gbm-jahr-4-6
- gbm-jahr-7-8
- gbm-jahr-9-10

Example - Expert search:
FT = 31.08.2011
FG = pat-zer-jahr-7 
  Field available  exists  whether certain fields are occupied, e.g. exists INH: Indicates if owner exists 
Field not available  not exists  Finds if certain fields are empty. 
21, 96, 86  File number
(global field; for search only) 
AKZ  P, Z, G, T  text  Simultaneous search for:
DE file number
EP file number (EP application number)
WO file number (PCT application number)

Possible entry formats:

DE file number, EP file number:
Enter number with or without check digit, but never with country code

WO file number:
Enter number with country code

Example - Expert search:
AKZ = 19843316.6 (DE)
AKZ = PCT/US2004/006654 (WO) 
21,96,86  File number/ publication number
(global field; for search only) 
AKZ/PN/PNN  P, Z, G, T  text  Simultaneous search for:
DE file number
EP file number (EP application number)
WO file number (PCT application number)
DE publication number
EP publication number
WO publication number
  Funding ID  FOEZ  P, Z, G  text  ID of the funded project

Example - Expert search:
FOEZ = Förderkennzeichen  
51  IPC class
(global field; for search only) 
IC  P, Z, G  text  Simultaneous search in the fields
"IPC main class" (ICM)
"IPC secondary class/es" (ICS)

Example - Expert search:
IC = B29C65/06  
51  IPC main class  ICM/ICMV  P, Z, G  text/number  ICM: current main class of the International Patent Classification (IPC).
Information on a previously registered IPC main class and the date of the respective change is available in the detail view for the legal/procedural status "Change of IPC main class".

ICMV: IPC version of IPC main class

Example - Expert search:
ICM = F02D45/00
ICMV = 2006.01  
51  IPC secondary class(es)  ICS/ICSV  P, Z, G  text/number  ICS: current secondary class(es) of the International Patent Classification (IPC).
Information on previously registered IPC secondary classes and the date of the respective change is available in the detail view for the legal/procedural status "Change of IPC secondary class".

ICSV: IPC version of IPC secondary class

Example - Expert search:
ICS = G01B3/06
ICSV = 2009.01  
  Licence  LIZ  P, Z, G  text  The currently valid licence declaration

Information on previously recorded licence declarations and the respective dates are available in the detail view for the type of procedure "Declarations on licences".

Possible search values

Willingness to grant licences to anyone declared
Meaning: Willingness to grant licences has been declared pursuant to Sec. 23 Patent Law.

Non-binding interest in granting licences declared
Meaning: Non-binding interest to grant licences has been declared.

Exclusive licence issued
Meaning: An exclusive licence has been recorded.

Compulsory licence issued
Meaning: A compulsory licence has been recorded pursuant to Sec. 24 Patent Law.

Funded project
Meaning: The patent results from a funded project.

For utility models only "Non-binding interest in granting licences declared" and "gefoerdertes-vorhaben" searchable
Search example: LIZ = lizenzbereitschaftserklaerung-vorhanden  
74  Representative  VTR  P, Z, G, T  text  Name and domicile/location of a representative (for example, patent attorney or attorney-at-law).
If no representative has been appointed, this field is not displayed.
Information on previously recorded representatives and the date of the respective change is available in the detail view of the legal/procedural status "New representative details".

Example - Expert search:
VTR = naumann  
  Status  ST  P, Z, G, T  text  Current status of an IP right/ IP application

Possible search values:
Pending / in force (anhaenig-in-kraft)
Not pending / lapsed (nicht-anhaengig-erloschen)

Example - Expert search:
ST = anhaengig-in-kraft  
  Type of IP right  SART  P, Z, G, T  text  Possible search values:
Utility model (Gebrauchsmuster)
Topography (Topografie)
Supplementary protection certificate (Schutzzertifikat)

Select at least one of the four check boxes located above the search fields in the Basic search.

Example - Expert search:
SART = Patent 

Master data patents/utility models
INID code  Field name  Acronym  Type of IP  Basic search  Monitoring  Expert search  Type of entry  Search information/ search examples

Definition (field content) 
56  Citation  CT  P, G  text  Document number(s) of the identified citation(s) from patent literature.
Citations may result from an official search or opposition procedure, or appeal proceedings a. o.
In the register information you have direct access to the identified patent literature in PDF format.

Example - Expert search:
CT = WO1997/39204

The relevance indicators mean:
X: Document which alone is challenging the novelty or the existence of an inventive step (Sec. 43, Patent Act [Patentgesetz], Sec. 7, Utility Model Act [Gebrauchsmustergesetz]) of a claimed invention;
Y: Document challenging the existence of an inventive step (Sec. 43, Patent Act, Sec. 7, Utility Model Act) of a claimed invention combined with one or several of such documents, while the combination of the documents must be obvious to a person skilled in the art;
A: Document that defines the state of the art or technological background;
O: Document which refers to an oral disclosure, a use, an exhibition or another disclosure, e.g. a post-published lecture which was given in public before the filing or priority date, or the minutes of a meeting (in the case of utility models, only relevant concerning domestic prior use);
P: Document published in the priority interval;
T: Post-published, non-colliding document relating to the theory of the invention applied for which may be useful for a better understanding of the invention applied for or which shows that the thoughts or facts underlying the invention applied for may be incorrect;
E: Earlier document pursuant to Section 3(2) of the Patent Act (for searches pursuant to Sec. 43, Patent Act) / earlier patent or utility model applications pursuant to Section 15 of the Utility Model Act (for searches pursuant to Sec. 7, Utility Model Act);
D: Document which is already cited in the application, referred to as a self-citation, which is also considered relevant by the examining section and which is therefore mentioned;
L: Document mentioned for special reasons, e.g. to prove the date of publication of a document under consideration or in case of doubts about the priority.
  Design priority  DPRN
P, G  Text
DPRN: file number of at least one design whose priority has been validly claimed

DPRC: country of the original design application

DPRD: validly claimed priority date
Examples - Expert search:
DPRN =001043756
DPRD = 21.11.2008 
84, 81  Designated countries
(global field; for search only) 
DS  P, G  text  Simultaneous search in the fields "Designated EP Contracting states" (EDS) and " Designated WO countries " (WDS) by entering at least one international country code.

Example - Expert search:
DS = US  
84  Designated EP Contracting states  EDS  P, G  text  International country code of the countries designated by the applicant in his European patent application.

Example -Expert search:
EDS = DS  
81  Designated WO countries  WDS  P, G  text  International country code of the countries designated by the applicant in his international application.

Example - Expert search:
WDS = JP  
66  Domestic priority  PRN/PRD  P, G  text/date  PRN: file number(s) of earlier domestic application(s) whose priority has been validly claimed.

PRD: validly claimed priority date

Example - Expert search:
PRN = "10 2009 014 866"
PRD = 07.01.2003  
96  EP application date (filing date)  EAT  P, G  date  Valid application date (filing date) for EP
(European patent application)

Example - Expert search:
EAT = 09.02.2009  
97  EP language of publication  ELANG  P, G  text  Language of publication for patents of the European Patent Convention (EPC)

Possible search values:
DE (German)
EN (English)
FR (French)

Example - Expert search:
97  EP publication number  EPN  P, G  text  Publication number of the European Patent Office
The EP file number (EP application number) and the EP publication number is used in the national procedure before the DPMA as long as no (German) national file number has been attributed.

Example - Expert search:
EPN = 1301788  
23  Exhibition priority  APR/APRD  P, G  text/date  APR: Name of an officially recognised exhibition on the basis of which priority has been validly claimed.

APRD: validly claimed priority date (opening date of the exhibition)

Exhibition priority can only be claimed for exhibitions which are mentioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice in the Federal Law Gazette and in the official gazette of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (Blatt für PMZ).
Exhibition priority may be claimed within six months from the opening date of the officially recognised exhibition (day of the first disclosure).

Example - Expert search:
APR = cebit
APRD = 03.09.2010  
33, 31, 32  Foreign priority  PRC/PRNA/PRDA  P, G  text/text/date  PRC: country of the original application

PRNA: file number of the earlier foreign application(s) whose priority has been validly claimed.

PRDA: validly claimed priority date

Example - Expert search:
PRNA = 2008A000039
PRDA = 02.04.2007  
62  Free division / divided out on the grounds of lack of unity from file number  TAAKZ  P, G  text  File number of the original patent application or utility model application.
The patent application or the utility model application, as the case may be, is the result of a free division or a division on the grounds of lack of unity (Sec. 39 Patent Law or Sec. 4 (6) Utility Model Law).
Information on the date of a free division/ a division on the grounds of lack of unity is available in the detail view for the respective legal/procedural status.
No distinction is made between free division and division on the grounds of lack of unity.

Example - Expert search:
TAAKZ = 19748847.1  
62  Free division / divided out on the grounds of lack of unity - new file number  TIAKZ  P, G  text  File number of a divisional application.
The patent application or the utility model, as the case may be, was divided, resulting in at least one other application (Sec. 39 Patent Law or Sec. 4 (6) Utility Model Law).
Information on the date of a free division/ a division on the grounds of lack of unity is available in the detail view for the respective legal/procedural status.
No distinction is made between free division and division on the grounds of lack of unity

Example - Expert search:
TIAKZ = 19758977.4  
97,87  Language of publication
(global field; for search only) 
LANG  P, G  text  Simultaneous search in the fields
"EP language of publication" (ELANG)
"WO language of publication" (WLANG)

Possible search values:
DE (German)
EN (English)
FR (French)
ES (Spanish)
RU (Russian)
JP (Japanese)
CN (Chinese)

Example - Expert search:
56  NPL citation (non-patent literature)  CTNP  P, G  text  Identified citation(s) from non-patent literature.
In DPMAregister, there is no access to the documents of non-patent literature.

Example - Expert search:
CTNP = holztechnik  
87,97  Publication number
(global field; for search only) 
PN  P, G  text  Simultaneous search in the fields
"Published DE documents" (DEPN)
"Published EP /WO documents" (EPWOPN)
for a document number

Example - Expert search:
PN = DE19843316C5 
10  Published DE documents  DEPN  P, G  text  Document number(s) of published German documents, for example:
- first publication of application
- patent specification
- correction of patent specification

Direct access to the documents in PDF format is available in the register information.

Basic search possible in the field
"File number/publication number"

Example - Expert search:
DEPN = DE19843316C5 
  Published documents - country code
(global field; for search only) 
PC  P, G  text  Simultaneous search in the fields
"Published DE documents" (DEPN)
"Published EP /WO documents" (EPWOPN)
for an international country code

Example - Expert search:
PC = EP  
  Published documents - document number
(global field; for search only) 
PNN  P, G  text  Simultaneous search in the fields
"Published DE documents" (DEPN)
"Published EP /WO documents" (EPWOPN)
for a document number without country code and kind code.
A search in this field is only possible if no country code and no kind code is entered.

Example - Expert search:
PNN = 19843316  
  Published documents - kind code
(global field; for search only) 
PCOD  P, G  text  Simultaneous search in the fields
"Published DE documents" (DEPN)
"Published EP /WO documents" (EPWOPN)
for a kind code

Example - Expert search:
PCOD = B9  
  Published EP / WO documents  EPWOPN  P, G  text  Document numbers of published European (EP)/international (WO) documents
Direct access to the documents in PDF format is available in the register information.

Basic search possible in the field
"File number/publication number".

Example - Expert search:
EPWOPN = WO9725495A1  
86  WO application date (filing date)  WAT  P, G  Date  Valid application date (filing date) for WO (PCT)

Example- Expert search
WAT = 09.02.2009 
87  WO language of publication   WLANG  P, G  text  Language of publication for (international) PCT applications

Possible search values:
DE (German)
EN (English)
FR (French)
ES (Spanish)
RU (Russian)
JP (Japanese)
CN (Chinese)

Example - Expert search:
87  WO publication number   WPN  P, G  text  Publication number of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).
The WO file number (PCT application number) and the WO publication number is used in the national procedure before the DPMA as long as no (German) national file number has been attributed.

Example - Expert search:
WPN = 1997025495  

Master data patents
INID code  Field name  Acronym  Type of IP  Basic search  Monitoring  Expert search  Type of entry  Search information/ search examples

Definition (field content) 
57  Abstract  AB  text  Abstract of the application
If an abstract exists which is not in the data file, a corresponding note will be displayed.
If a drawing relating to the abstract exists, a corresponding note will be displayed.(Search field is searchable for published patent applications as well as granted patents until the cut-off date of 31 May 2011. No abstract is usually displayed in DPMAregister if the first publication of the patent application or the patent grant occurred after 1 June 2011.)

Example - Expert search:
AB = rasenmäher  
43  Date of first publication  OT  date  Date of the first publication of a patent application

A search in the field "OT" finds also applications for supplementary protection certificates.

Basic search possible in the field
"Date of publication"

Example - Expert search:
OT = 27.05.2010 
96  EP file number  EAKZ  text  File number of the European Patent Office.

May be based on the following procedures:

- European grant procedure:
On the basis of the application and grant of a European Patent with designation DE, a (German) national IP right may emerge.

- Euro-PCT application:
On the basis of an international application (PCT) with designation EP and subsequent designation DE, grant of a European patent is possible, which may result in a (German) national IP right.

The EP file number (EP application number) and the EP publication number is used in the national procedure before the DPMA as long as no (German) national file number has been attributed.

Example - Expert search:
EAKZ = 05700309.7  
61  File number of application of addition  AKZA  text  Display in case of a parent application:
File number of application of addition.

Example - Expert search:
AKZA = 102008033612.2  
63  File number of parent application  AKZB  text  Display concerning an application of addition: file number of the parent application.

Example - Expert search:
AKZB = 102007006696.3 
72  Inventor  IN  text  Name, domicile and country code of the inventor or the inventors.

If no information has been furnished on the inventor or the inventors, one of the following texts will be displayed:

- Non-naming of invento
(Non-naming of the inventor/s requested)

- Inventor not yet named

- Applicant is inventor

Example - Expert search:
IN = aigner  
  PCT national phase entry patent  PATNAT  date  Date when a patent enters national phase of PCT applications  
67  Splitting off in file number  AIAKZ  text  Corresponding file number of a utility model which has been validly split off from the patent application.

Further information - such as the splitting off date - is available in the detail view of the legal/procedural status "Splitting off utility model".

Example - Expert search:
AIAKZ = 20320976.1  
  Usurpation priority  EPRN/EPRD  text/date  EPRN: file number(s), for which usurpation priority has been validly claimed.

EPRD: validly claimed priority date

Example - Expert search:
EPRN = 19843316.6
EPRD = 15.07.2010  
86  WO file number  WAKZ  text  File number of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).

May be based on the following procedures:

- PCT application:
On the basis of an international application (PCT) designating DE, entry into the national phase at the DPMA possible.

- Euro-PCT application:
On the basis of an international application (PCT) designating EP and the subsequent designation of DE, the grant of a European patent is possible, which may result in a (German) national IP right.

Example - Expert search:
WAKZ= PCT/DE2004/001527 

Master data Utility Model
INID code  Field name  Acronym  Type of IP  Basic search  Monitoring  Expert search  Type of entry  Search information/ search examples

Definition (field content)  
23  Date of first non-confidential exploitation  NVWT  text  Date of first non-confidential exploitation of a topography

Example - Expert search:
NVWT = 01.06.2002 
47  Date of registration  ET  G, T  date  Date of the registration of a utility model or a topography in the register

Example - Expert search:
ET = 01.04.2010 
96  EP file number  EAKZ  text  File number of the European Patent Office relating to a utility model.

May be based on the following procedures:

-Euro-PCT application which has entered the national phase:
(National) protection of a German utility model may derive from an international application (PCT) designating EP (European patent) and subsequent designation of DE.
-Splitting off from a European patent application
-Splitting off from a Euro-PCT patent application

Example - Expert search:
EAKZ = 08801717.3  
  PCT national phase entry utility model  GBMNAT  date  Date when a utility model enters national phase of PCT applications 
67  Splitting off from file number  AAAKZ  text  Corresponding file number of a patent application whose filing date has been validly claimed (splitting off).

Example - Expert search:
AAAKZ = 102009043440.2  

Master data supplementary protection certificate
INID code  Field name  Acronym  Type of IP  Basic search  Monitoring  Expert search  Type of entry  Search information/ search examples

Definition (field content) 
93  Authorisation EU authority  GES  text  Authority which has granted the EU marketing authorisation for a product.

Example - Expert search:
GES = bundesinstitut  
93  Authorisation EU country  GEC  text  Country in which the EU marketing authorisation for a product was granted.

Search value and term displayed written out in full (for example, "Frankreich"); no country code!

Example - Expert search:
GEC = frankreich  
93  Authorisation EU date  GET  date  Date of the EU marketing authorisation for a product

Example - Expert search:
GET = 22.01.2009  
93  Authorisation EU number  GEN  text  Number of the EU marketing authorisation for a product

Example - Expert search:
GEN = "MAPP 11518"  
92  Domestic authorisation authority  GIS  text  Authority which has granted the domestic marketing authorisation for a product.

Example - Expert search:
GIS = bundesinstitut  
92  Domestic authorisation date  GIT  date  Date of the domestic marketing authorisation for a product

Example - Expert search:
GIT = 24.06.2009  
92  Domestic authorisation number  GIN  text  Number of the domestic marketing authorisation for a product

Example - Expert search:
GIN = PEI.H.03395.01.1  
68  EP file number of basic patent  GEAKZ  text  EP file number of the basic patent of a supplementary protection certificate

Example - Expert search:
GEAKZ = 1220080000459 
94  Expiry of term of protection  LE  date  Date of the end of the term of protection of a supplementary protection certificate according to grant decision

Example - Expert search:
LE = 24.03.2012  
68  File number of basic patent  GAKZ  text  File number of the basic patent of a supplementary protection certificate

Example - Expert search:
GAKZ = 69611361.9  
95  Product designation  TIEZ  text  Designation of the product of a supplementary protection certificate protected by the basic patent.

Basic search possible in the field "Title".

Example - Expert search:
TIEZ = calciumfolinat  
54  Title of basic patent  TIGZ  text  Designation/title of the basic patent relating to a supplementary protection certificate

Example - Expert search:
TIGZ = derivate  
  Publication of application for supplementary protection certificate   OT  date  Date of publication of the mention regarding the application for a supplementary protection certificate in the German patent gazette (Patentblatt).

A search in the field "OT" also finds first publications of applications (patent applications).

Basic search possible in the field "Date of publication".

Example - Expert search:
OT = 27.05.2010  
94  Start of term of protection  LB  date  Date of the beginning of the term of protection of a supplementary protection certificate according to grant decision

Example - Expert search:
LB = 28.02.2012  
54  Title of basic patent  TIGZ  Text  Designation/title of basic patent relating to a supplementary protection certificate

Example - Expert search:
TIGZ = derivate 
  Utilisation of certificate  VZ  text  Utilisation of a supplementary protection certificate

Possible search values:
- Medicinal product
-Plant protection product

Example - Expert search:
VZ = pflanzenschutzmittel  

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