Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

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Search fields / master data - designs

The following overview lists the data fields available (master data) in the forms of the search modes.

Please note that the number and kind of included fields have been subject to changes over the years. If your search relates to older data, you cannot rely on all relevant fields being available electronically for each document.

The first column of the following table contains the respective INID code - where attributed - for the identification of bibliographic data relating to designs. An overview of all codes for bibliographic data relating to designs is available in the WIPO Standard ST.80. Please note that not all data covered by this standard are captured and published under German designs law.

The second column contains the field names of the individual search fields. In the third column ("Definition") you will find explanatory notes. The corresponding search field code (acronym) is indicated in the fourth column. You need the acronyms to create a query in the Expert search mode. On the respective input form you will find many helper functions in the form of drop-down lists.

The columns "Basic search", "Monitoring" and "Expert search" show whether a data field is searchable within the specific search mode. Searchable fields are identified by a plus sign, fields not searchable within a specific mode, by a minus sign.

The "Type of entry" column contains a note for the respective search field, indicating which form can be used for creating a search.

INID Code  Field name   Acronym   Basic search  Monitoring   Expert search  Type of entry   Definition 
  Address for service   ZAN   -   -   +   Text  Address for service of communications, and information on the recipient.
Only one address for service is allowed per file.

Form "Änderung von Namen oder Anschriften": R5741 
22   Application date   AT   -   -   +   Date  The application date is the date when all application documents had been received by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office.
The application date is the date relevant for the assessment of novelty of a design.
The time limits for the payments of maintenance fees and the maximum term of protection of a design will be calculated on the basis of this date.

Concerning designs applied for until 31 May 2004, protection (against copying) was effective from the application date, under the law applicable until 31 May 2004. These designs, too, benefit from the full protection provided for under the legal provisions in force since 1 June 2004 upon their registration in the designs register.
Protection of designs filed on or after 1 June 2004 starts upon registration in the designs register (see definition relating to field name "Registration").

Please note: Under the law in force since 1 June 2004, certain time limits are calculated from the priority date (PRD) instead of the application date, if a priority has been claimed, for example concerning the examination of novelty and the start of the deferment period.

For the allowable date formats please see the help page "Search modes" ->"Expert search".

Form "Antrag auf Eintragung eines Geschmacksmusters" - "Ausfüllhinweise zum Antrag": R5703 
  Basic design   GM   -   -   +   Text  Indication of associated basic design.

The search will return the variation(s) of the basic design indicated (until year of filing 2004).

Possible search value:
design number

The information 'Basic design, associated variation' means that the design shown is a basic design. The design number(s) displayed correspond(s) to the variation(s) of this design.
Click on the design number of the variation to display the data of the variation.  
51  Class of goods  WKL  +   +   +   Number  Classification of designs: Annexes 1 and 2 to the designs ordinance (Geschmacksmuster-verordung).

Based on the products indicated in the application, classes and subclasses are attributed according to Annex 1 to Sec. 8 of the designs ordinance of 11 May 2004.

Under the designs law in force since 1 June 2004, the indications of the classes of goods are attributed to the individual designs. Multiple applications are only admissible if the designs have a class of goods in common.

If, due to a modification of the classification, a new attribution of classes of goods is required, a reclassification will be performed either at the request of the right holder or ex officio by the DPMA within the scope of a maintenance procedure.

Please note: The organisation of classes and subclasses according to Annex 1 to Sec. 8 of the designs ordinance of 11 May 2004 corresponds to that of the classes and subclasses of the 9th edition of the Locarno Classification.
The so-called "transfer classes" indicated until 31 May 2004 are also searchable in the "class of goods" field. 
19   Data file
DB   -   -   +   Text   Indication of data resource containing the designs.
In addition to German national designs (DE), Community designs (EM) are also available in DPMAregister. 
  Date of cancellation   LT   -   -   +   Date  Date of cancellation of a design  
  Date of capture in the IT system   EDVT  -   -   +   Date  The date of capture in the master data identifies the last update of designs data in DPMAregister. 
15   Date of registration  ET   +   -   +   Date  The date of registration is the date on which the design was entered in the designs register.

This is the date on which protection starts in respect of designs applied for on or after 01 June 2004. In respect of designs applied for until 31 May 2004, and registered on or after 01 June 2004, protection, which had initially been limited to protection against copying, is extended to full protection from the date of registration.

For the allowable date formats please see the help page "Search modes" ->"Expert search".  
180  Date of the end of protection  VED  -   -   +   Date  Date of expiry of design protection 
  Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister  EREGT  Date  Search for data which were provided for the first time for DPMAregister on a specific date or within a specific date range

Example of an expert search:
  Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregister  REGT  Date  Search for data which were updated for DPMAregister on a specific date or within a specific date range

Example of an expert search:
27   Deferment status   AUF   -   -   +   Text  Indication whether deferment of the publication of the representation of a design has been requested and whether this deferment of the publication of the representation is still effective.

Possible search values:
57   Description   BE   -   -   +   Text  A free text describing the design, filed by the applicant in addition to the representation of a design.

Until October 2008 it was possible to file a description for an entire multiple application.
The description was published upon request only.
If the description deposited exceeds the maximum length allowed under the designs ordinance, you will find three dots at the end of the published part of the description.

Since November 2008, the wording of a description, filed in a multiple application, must be design-related. If the applicant has filed a description in relation to a design, this description will always be published. The description may not exceed 100 words per design.

The German Patent and Trade Mark Office does not check compliance with the limitations concerning the contents, specified in the designs ordinance.

The description will be published as filed by the applicant. 
  Design number   DNR  +   -   +   Text  Composed of a specific register number and a 4 digit (serial) design number 
  Design status   DST   -   -   +   Text  Current status of a design.

Possible search values:
muster-eingetragen [design-registered]

INID Code  Field name   Acronym   Basic search  Monitoring   Expert search  Type of entry   Definition 
54   Designation  TI   +   -   +   Text  Designations are only available in respect of designs registered on or before 31 May 2004.
This field is empty if the design was registered on or after 01 June 2004.

The designation was meant to indicate the type of object applied for (application for one design) or, globally, the types of objects applied for (multiple application).
Since the designation was not checked by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, different terms might have been used in different designs applications to designate the same object.

The designation does extend the scope of protection of an object and is not protected in itself.  
72   Designer  ENTW   -   -   +   Text  Indication of the designer's name and residence (town/country code).

If there are several designers, all will be listed individually.

The details of a designer will only be recorded upon request by the applicant / right holder.

Only natural persons will be recorded as designers. ).

Form "Entwerferbenennung": R5707  
  Due date  FT  -   -   +   Date  Date on which the next maintenance fee is due  
23   Exhibition priority   APR   -   -   +   Text  If the applicant had presented the same object at a recognised fair or exhibition within the six months preceding the application date, he can claim the priority of the date of first display (on which he first presented the object at a recognised fair/exhibition) instead of the application date.

If the applicant wishes to claim an exhibition priority, he must indicate the name of the event, the place and date of first display, and file a certificate of display.
The certificate must have been issued during the event.

Formular "Ausstellungsbescheinigung": R5708 
  Field available  exists  whether certain fields are occupied, e.g. exists BE: Indicates if a description exists 
Field not available  not exists  Finds if certain fields are empty.  
21   File number   AKZ  +   -   +   Text  10 or 14 digit character string composed of a specific register number, a dot and the check digit.

It is not possible to enter several file numbers. 
  Interest to grant licences  LIZ   -   -   +   Yes/No (1/0)  This field allows to find out whether the applicant has issued a (non-binding) declaration that he is prepared to grant licences.  
19   Kind
(Data file)  
DB   -   -   +   Text  Indication of data resource containing the design [DE = German (national) design].
DPMAregister contains only German designs.  
  Monitoring period  ET   -   +   -   Text  Period in which a newly protected design was entered in the register  
  Number of reproduction  ZD   -   -   +   Number  The number of reproductions deposited in relation to a design.

Since November 2008, the number is limited to 10 reproductions per design. The number was not limited until May 2004.
The maximum value is 223.  
73   Owner   INH   +   +   +   Text  Indication of the current design owner's name and seat (town/country code).

If there are currently several owners (joint ownership), the above details will be displayed individually in respect of each owner. These details are searchable.

Form "Änderung von Namen oder Anschriften": R5741

Form "Antrag auf Eintragung eines Rechtsübergangs": R5742

Form "Zustimmungserklärung zur Eintragung eines Rechtsübergangs etc.": R5744 
33 / 32   Priority country   PRC   -   -   +   Text  In case of a foreign priority, the country is searchable where the earlier application was filed.
You can also search for the country in which a recognised fair/exhibition took place (exhibition priority).

Acronyms are shown according to WIPO Standard ST.3.  
32 / 23   Priority date   PRD  -   -   +   Date  In case of a foreign priority, the application date of the earlier application is searchable.

In case of an exhibition priority, the date of first display at a recognised fair or exhibition is searchable.

The priority date is even searchable during the deferment period. It determines a. o.the beginning of the deferment period.

For the allowable date formats please see the help page "Search modes" ->"Expert search".  
31   Priority file number   PRN  -   -   +   Text  The file number of the earlier foreign priority application 
54   Product(s)   ERZ  +   -   +   Text  Under the new designs law, in force since 01 June 2004, it is mandatory to indicate at least one product per design.
To the largest possible extent, the product names should be chosen from the list of goods according to Annex 2 to Sec. 8 of the designs ordinance (Geschmacksmuster-verordnung).

This field is only completed in respect of designs registered on or after 01 June 2004. If a design was registered before that date, the field will be empty. 
45   Publication date   VT   -   -   +   Date  Date on which the registration of one design (individual application) or several designs (multiple application) was published in the designs gazette.

File inspection is admissible from that date unless deferment of publication of the representation is effective.

For the allowable date formats please see the help page "Search modes" ->"Expert search". 
11   Register number   RN   +   -   +   Text  8 or 12 digit number under which a design application is recorded in the register 
74   Representative   VRT  -   -   +   Text  The database contains the details (name or name of law firm, town, country code) of the right holders' professional representatives (patent attorneys or attorneys-at-law).

Formular "Änderung von Namen oder Anschriften": R5741 
  Status of the Community design   HABMGST  -   -   +   Text  Status of the Community design, e.g. registered and published, registered and published in part, lacking effect, design surrendered, invalidity procedure pending, design invalided, design expired 
17   Term of protection obtained   BSD  -   -   +   Text  Term of protection currently obtained.
Possible search values:

  Type of stocks  BA  +   -   +   Text  Type of stocks, e.g. active designs, non-active designs 
  Variation   ABW   -   -   +   Text  Indication of a design designated as a variation of a basic design.

The basic design of the design specified will be shown as search result (until application year 2004).

Possible search value:
Design number

The information 'Variation, associated basic design' means that the design shown is a variation. The basic design is available under the design number displayed.
Click on the design number of the basic design to display the data of the basic design.  

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 11.02.2021