Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

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Search fields/master data - Trade marks

The following overview lists the data fields available (basic datas) in the forms of the search modes.

Please note that the number and kind of included fields have been subject to changes over the years. If your search relates to older data, you cannot rely on all relevant fields being available electronically for each trade mark document.

The first column of the following table contains the respective INID code for the identification of bibliographic data relating to the trade mark. An overview of all codes for bibliographic data relating to trade marks is available in the WIPO Standard ST.60.

The second column contains the field names of the individual search fields. In the third column 'Definition' you will find short explanatory notes on these fields. The corresponding search field code (acronym) is indicated in the fourth column. You need the acronyms to create a query in the Expert search mode, but on the respective input form you will find many helper functions in the form of drop-down lists.

The column "Data file" indicates to which trade marks (German national trade mark = DE, Union trade mark = EM or international trade mark = IR) this search field applies.

The columns 'Basic search', 'Monitoring' and 'Expert search' show whether a data field is searchable within the specific search mode. Searchable fields are identified by a plus sign, fields not searchable within a specific mode, by a minus sign.

The 'Type of entry' column contains a note for the respective search field, indicating which form can be used for creating a search.

INID Code   Field name   Acronym   Data file  Basic search   Monitoring   Expert search   Type of entry   Definition  
750   Address for service   ZAN  DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Text  Address for service of communications, and information on the recipient (proprietor or representative). Only one person (proprietor or representative) can be the authorised recipient.

Form "Antrag auf Eintragung von Änderungen von Namen oder Anschriften": W7614 
731   Applicant   ANM   DE, EM, IR  +   +   +   Text  Only concerning: application procedure

Form "Antrag auf Eintragung von Änderungen von Namen oder Anschriften": W7614

Form "Antrag einen (Teil-)Rechtsübergang im Register einzutragen": W7616 
220   Application date   AT   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Date  Date on which the documents containing details according to Sec. 32 (2) Trade Mark Law (minimum requirements) were received. Minimum requirements include: details allowing to determine the identity of the applicant, reproduction of the trade mark applied for, list of goods and services for which trade mark registration is requested

Form "Anmeldung zur Eintragung einer Marke in das Register": W7005 
450, 442   Beginning of period of opposition   BWT  DE  +   -   -   Date  See also 'Date of publication of the registration'
The beginning of the opposition period differs for DE, EM and IR.

Form "Widerspruch gegen die Eintragung einer Marke": W7202 
531   Class of the figurative elements of marks (Vienna Agreement)   WBK   DE, EM, IR  +   -   +   Number  The classification of figurative elements of marks constitutes a hierarchical system that proceeds from the general to the particular, dividing all figurative elements into categories, divisions and sections.  
511   Classes  KL   DE, EM, IR  +   +   +   Number  Classification of goods and services for the purpose of the registration of marks according an international classification system "Nice Classification". The Nice Classification comprises 45 classes (classes 1 to 34: goods / classes 35 to 45: services). Search in this field covers the 'leading class' and the 'additional classes'. 
551   Collective mark   KM   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Yes/1  The trade mark is owned by an association having legal capacity or a legal entity governed by public law; it is used by the members of the association. Field displayed only with value 'Yes'.  
  Data pool  BA   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Text   Current data pool e.g. Trade mark registered/Protction allotted Application received /Protection submitted Registration not possible/Protection not possible Registration cancelled/Protection lapsed unknown 
  Date of capture in the IT system   EDVT   DE  -   -   +   Date  Date on which the conclusion of a procedure was captured in the IT system. 
141   Date of cancellation   LOED   DE  -   -   +   Date  Date from which the trade mark is deemed cancelled.

"Antrag auf vollständige/teilweise Löschung wegen Verzicht" -
"Antrag auf vollständige/teilweise Löschung wegen Verfalls" -
"Antrag auf vollständige/teilweise Löschung wegen absoluter Schutzhindernisse":
W7437 / W7440 / W7442 
151   Date of entry into the register   ET  DE   -   -   +   Date  Date on which the trade mark was entered into the register.  
156   Date of extension   VBD   DE  -   -   +   Date  Date on which the new term of protection of (further) 10 years starts.

Form "Antrag auf vollständige/teilweise Verlängerung einer Marke": W7412  
450   Date of publication of the registration   VT   DE  -   -   +   Date  Date of publication of the registration in the trade mark journal (Markenblatt). See also 'Beginning of period of opposition' 
442   Date of publication under former trade mark law   BT   DE  -   -   +   Date  Date of publication of a trade mark in the 'Warenzeichenblatt' (former trade mark journal), Part I (until 31 December 1994) 
  Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister  EREGT  DE, EM, IR  Date  Search for data which were provided for the first time for DPMAregister on a specific date or within a specific date range

Example of an expert search:
  Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregister  REGT  DE, EM, IR  Date  Search for data which were updated for DPMAregister on a specific date or within a specific date range

Example of an expert search:
571   Description of the mark   BM   DE, EM  -   -   +   Text  A description may be available for (combined word and) figurative marks, three-dimensional marks, tracer marks, sound marks, other types of marks.  
591   Designation of colours   FA   DE, EM  -   -   +   Text  Indication and designation of the colours in case of trade marks registered in colour  
521   Distinctive element   DMT   DE  -   -   +   Text  Indication of the element whose distinctiveness is established  
521   Distinctive mark   DM   DE  -   -   +   Yes/1  Trade mark registered by reason of established distinctiveness (Sec. 8 (3) Trade Mark Law). Field displayed only with value 'Yes'.  
230   Exhibition priority   APR   DE, EM  -   -   +   Text  Details in respect of an exhibition priority claimed by the trade mark proprietor (Sec. 35 Trade Mark Law). Exhibition priority is based on the first display at a recognised exhibition. 
  Expiry of opposition period  EWT  DE  -   -   +   Date  Date of expiry of period of opposition  
180   Expiry of term of protection   VED   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Date  Date on which trade mark protection will expire. This date is also the date on which the extension fee is due if maintenance of protection is desired. 
  Field available  exists  whether certain fields are occupied, e.g. exists VTR: Indicates if a representative exists 
Field not available  not exists  Finds if certain fields are empty. 
210   File number  AKZ   DE, EM, IR  +   -   +   Text  The file number is indicated if it does not correspond to the register number. It is not possible to enter several file numbers.  
  File status   AST   DE  -   -   +   Text  Current file status, e.g. 'trade mark registered' , 'trade mark cancelled', 'file deleted'  
  File status European Union trade marks   EUIPOAST  EM  -   -   +   Text  File status European Union trade marks, e.g. trade mark applied for, application published, application refused, application under examination, application withdrawn, registration of the trade mark pending, opposition lodged, challenge pending, trade mark registered - cancellation pending, registration cancelled, registration expired, registration surrendered, trade mark registered 
510   Goods/services   WDV   DE, EM, IR  +   -   +   Text / Number + Text  Indication of the goods and/or services for which a trade mark has been registered. The list of goods/services is indicated in German language on the English user interface too.
For IR (international trade marks) the list of goods and services is only given in English, French or Spanish. 
  Licence  LIZ  DE  Text  Use this search field to find out whether the applicant has made a (non-binding) declaration of willingness to grant licences. 
  Licensee  LIZN  DE  Text  Here you can search for licensees by name.  
  Mark   MARKE  DE, EM, IR  +   -   +   Text  All trade mark attributes that provide a reference to the protected sign will be searched, e.g. trade mark text, words of the classification of figurative elements, translation etc. 
  Monitoring period   ET  DE  -   +   -   Text  Period in which a newly protected trade mark was entered in the trade mark register.  

INID Code   Field name   Acronym   Data file  Basic search   Monitoring   Expert search   Type of entry   Definition  
330   Priority country   PRC   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Text  Country of foreign priority claimed by the trade mark proprietor. All subsequent applications filed within 6 months from the date of filing of the foreign application will be treated as if they had been received on the date of the original application.  
320   Priority date   PRD   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Date  Date of foreign priority claimed by the trade mark proprietor (Sec. 34 Trade Mark Law).  
310   Priority file number   PRN   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Text  File number of foreign priority claimed by the trade mark proprietor. All subsequent applications filed within 6 months from the date of filing of the foreign application will be treated as if they had been received on the date of the original application.  
732   Proprietor   INH   DE, EM, IR  +   -   +   Text  Indication of the current trade mark proprietor's name and seat (town/postal code/country code) 
111   Register number   RN   DE, EM, IR  +   -   +   Text  Number under which the trade mark has been recorded in the register. 
740   Representative   VTR   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Text  Name and seat of the representative (usually an attorney-at-law or patent attorney)

Form "Antrag auf Eintragung von Änderungen von Namen oder Anschriften": W7614 
540   Reproduction of the mark   WM   DE, EM, IR  +   -   +   Text  Representation of the trade mark text or image 
529   Right of use restricted: date of effectiveness   DRT   DE  -   -   +   Date  Date from which the restriction of the right of use is effective. You can find recorded (active) restrictions of the right of use both via the master records and under the procedural search. You can find lifted restrictions of the right of use only under the procedural search.

Form "Antrag auf Eintragung einer Verpfändung etc.": W7022

Form "Zustimmungserklärung zur Eintragung eines dinglichen Rechts an der Marke": W7024 
529   Right of use restricted: legal ground   DR   DE  -   -   +   Text  Possible legal ground:
lien /
usufruct /
levy of execution /
insolvency proceedings /
bankruptcy proceedings /
You can find recorded (active) restrictions of the right of use both via the master records and under the procedural search. You can find lifted restrictions of the right of use only under the procedural search.  
300   Seniority   ZR   DE  -   -   +   Date  Under Sec. 6, 37 (2) German Trade Mark Law. Date on which protection takes effect; where applicable, the date relevant for determining the seniority of a trade mark under Sec. 37 (2) Trade Mark Law.  
350   Seniority: date of publication of the seniority  SENVT   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Date   Date of publication of the Union trade mark  
310   Seniority: file number of Union trade mark   SEN   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Text  Claiming the seniority of a national trade mark for a Union trade mark: i.e. information that the seniority under Art. 34 or 35 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Union trade mark has been claimed for a Union trade mark applied for or registered and, where the trade mark is cancelled, mentioning of the ground for cancellation. 
390   Telle quelle mark   TQ   DE  -   -   +   Yes/1  Trade mark registered under Art. 6quinquies of the Paris Convention, based on a registration in the country of origin. Field displayed only with value 'Yes'. 
551  Trade mark category   MK  DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Text  Trade mark category, e.g. individual trade mark, collective mark, certification mark 
551  Trade mark category international registrations of marks  IRMK  IR  -   -   +   Text  Trade mark category international registrations of marks, e.g. individual trade mark, collective mark/certification mark/guarantee mark 
550  Trade mark type European Union trade marks  EUIPOMF  EM  -   -   +   Text  Trade mark type European Union trade marks, e.g. word mark, figurative mark, 3D mark (shape mark), colour mark, sound mark, hologram mark olfactory mark, position mark, pattern mark, motion mark, multimedia mark, other type of trade mark 
  Type   DB   DE, EM, IR  -   -   +   Text  Indication of data resource containing the trade mark [DE = German (national) mark]; EM = Union trade mark; IR = international registration of a mark 
  Type of licence  LIZA  DE  Text  Use this search field to find out whether a non-exclusive licence, an exclusive licence or willingness to license unknown exists. 
550   Type of mark   MF   DE, EM, IR  +   -   +   Text  The following indications are possible:
word mark
combined word and figurative mark
figurative mark
colour mark
sound mark
three-dimensional mark
tracer mark
sound mark
position mark
pattern mark
motion mark
Other type of mark
Unknown type of trade mark 
  Type of trade mark international registrations of marks   IRMF   IR  -   -   +   Text  Type of trade mark international registrations of marks, e.g. word mark, stylised characters, figurative mark, combined mark, 3-D mark, colour mark, sound mark, hologram mark, olfactory mark, motion mark, municipal mark, chimney mark, Kennfadenmarke (tracer mark), other types of trade marks 
  Willingness to sell/transfer  VERB  DE  Text  Use this search field to find out whether the applicant has made a declaration of willingness to sell/transfer. 

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 11.02.2021