Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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European Union trade marks

DPMAregister also contains trade mark applications and trade marks filed/registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). These data are marked with the code EM.

International marks (IR) effective in Germany

DPMAregister also contains trade mark applications and trade marks, which were filed within the scope of the Madrid system with the World Intellectual Property Organization and in respect of which Germany or the European Union was designated.

Special note on the display of international marks (IR):
WIPO figurative marks which do not have a figurative element but only consist of words will be displayed as word mark in the DPMA data.
The original data of the international mark (IR) remain unchanged in the section on WIPO data/ IR Mark Feature.

The detailed pages "Information on a European Union trade mark" and "Information concerning international registration" contain a link to the database of the office which keeps the register, eSearch plus (EUIPO) or Madrid Monitor (WIPO), where you can receive more information on the legally valid legal and procedural status.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 06.08.2019