Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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  • How can I find owners whose names contain diacritics such as ?, ?, ñ, ċ or similar characters?

  • I can enter up to three classes of goods in the Basic search. What can I do if I want to search for more than three classes of goods? Do I need to perform two searches?

  • The Basic search lacks certain entry fields, for example "Application date", "Publication date", "Representative".

  • Why are not all reproductions shown for each design?

  • What are the reasons when no reproductions are shown?

  • Why do I no longer get any results when I search for type faces WKL=TYPO >?

  • How do I conduct a search for a transfer class (abbreviation "UKL")?

  • In the search form/ section "Configure result list" you can choose between three view options for displaying results: "Matrix", "Image gallery", "Table". What is the difference between these three view options for a result list?

  • If I carry out an expert search in field "Designation" (acronym "TI"), I only get older designs. How do I search to get results which include designs that were registered in the last years?

  • In DPMAregister, result lists are available as .txt files. Converting such a file relating to designs into an Excel sheet may lead to issues.

  • My search result includes the message "Your search returned too many results. You can narrow your search by adding more search criteria." What shall I do?

  • How can I find owners whose names contain diacritics such as ?, ?, ñ, ċ or similar characters?
    In the DPMAregister service you do not need to think about how to enter such names correctly and you do not have to use wildcards. Just enter the basic letter and the search will also return words with diacritics. This applies also to words entered in other text fields.

    I can enter up to three classes of goods in the Basic search. What can I do if I want to search for more than three classes of goods? Do I need to perform two searches?
    No. Please use the Expert search in that case. In the Expert mode, your search query may contain as many classes as you like.

    The Basic search lacks certain entry fields, for example "Application date", "Publication date", "Representative".
    Have these search options been omitted from the DPMAregister service?

    These search options have not been dropped. However, we had to omit these search fields in the Basic mode, because the Basic mode only contains the frequently used search fields. In the Expert mode you can still use these search options and also enter complex search queries.

    Why are not all reproductions shown for each design?
    The full sets of reproductions are available only in respect of designs registered on or after 1 June 2004. In respect of designs registered before 1 June 2004, only individual reproductions have been published. These were as a rule provided in black-and-white.

    What are the reasons when no reproductions are shown?

    Why do I no longer get any results when I search for type faces < WKL=TYPO > ?
    Type faces, which were formerly listed in the special design class "TYPO", were transferred to the class of goods 18-03. A corresponding note was published under "Berichtigung" (correction) in Geschmacksmusterblatt (designs gazette), No. 47/2009 of 20 November 2009, part 1F, pages 10088 to 10091.

    How do I conduct a search for a transfer class (abbreviation "UKL")?
    Under the former Designs Law (applicable until 31 May 2004), it was possible to use transfer classes for design applications. Those transfer classes are no longer treated separately in DPMAregister. If there is a transfer class for a design, that class is also indicated in the field "Class(es) of goods"/abbreviation: "WKL". Example register number 40300611: class 11 a.o. is shown in the "WKL" field; in the former DPMApublikationen service class 11 had been published in its own separate "UKL" data field. Due to this change, you must now use the "WKL" field to search for transfer classes.

    In the search form/ section "Configure result list" you can choose between three view options for displaying results: "Matrix", "Image gallery", "Table". What is the difference between these three view options for a result list?
    Detailed information on these options is available in the help section "Result list - Designs".

    If I carry out an expert search in field "Designation" (acronym "TI"), I only get older designs. How do I search to get results which include designs that were registered in the last years?
    The "Designation" field ("TI") is provided exclusively in respect of designs entered in the designs register on or before 31 May 2004. Please use the "Products" field ("ERZ") instead to search for designs registered at a later date. If you wish to cover both periods, please include both fields in your search query. At any rate, you should include the "Description" field ("BE"). It is very likely that you will get more results.
    Example: search for search term "Türrahmen": TI = Türrahmen OR ERZ = Türrahmen OR BE = Türrahmen

    <>, result lists are available as .txt files. Converting such a file relating to designs into an Excel sheet may lead to issues.
    If you open an Excel spreadsheet, import data from a .txt file and convert them, a data format will be shown in the column containing the classes of goods.
    Follow these instructions in order to get a clean Excel sheet:
    when importing data, select "Unicode (UTF-8)" as the "File origin" and then switch from "General" to "Text" for the columns "Design number", "Class(es) of goods" and "File number".

    My search result includes the message "Your search returned too many results. You can narrow your search by adding more search criteria." What shall I do?
    First, you should check the drop-down menu "Max. number of results" in the lower section of the result list configuration: Which number of results has been chosen? You can possibly avoid the limitation of your search results by choosing a larger number of results; aside from 100 results you can also choose an alternative (250, 500 or 1,000) from the drop-down menu.
    If your result list is still too long after choosing 1,000 results, narrow your search by adding another search criterion in order to retrieve all results.
    Example for a search in the Basic mode: For your search you have entered <<06-02>> in the field "Class of goods". To refine these results by registration years, you perform more than one search step:
    First search for the registration year 2011: a) enter 06-02 in the field "Class of goods" and b) J-2011 in the field "Date of registration" (ET).
    Second search for the registration year 2010: a) enter 06-02 in the field "Class of goods" and b) J-2010 in the field "Date of registration" (ET).
    Third search for the registration year 2009: a) enter 06-02 in the field "Class of goods" and b) J-2009 in the field "Date of registration" (ET), etc.
    The corresponding search commands in the Expert mode are:
    First search for the registration year 2011: et=j-2011 and (wkl=06-02)
    Second search for the registration year 2010: et=j-2010 and (wkl=06-02)
    Third search for the registration year 2009: et=j-2009 and (wkl=06-02)

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