Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

DPMAregister Help

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How does online file inspection work?

The button "File inspection" is displayed below the legal status information of the respective result displayed. After clicking the link you will be invited to type in a captcha. Then the individual parts of the file will be displayed in PDF format. As far as possible, the parts of the file will be displayed in chronological order. You can choose to sort the sections "Position", "Title" and "Date" in ascending or descending order.
If the button "File inspection" is not displayed, the case file is not yet available for online file inspection. You may also still submit a conventional request for file inspection by post or fax.
The case files requested by conventional means can also be called up electronically in DPMAregister once they have been made available.

© 2019 Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Stand vom 05.08.2019