The legal status information displayed below is based on WIPO Standard ST.27 and of a purely informative nature. Binding information on the status of the IP right is only available in DPMAregister (Show details).
DE file number: 60 2010 017 203.1, EP file number: 10 71 3981.8, WO file number: PCT/EP2010/055089 (Designation/title: ALPHA-SILYLALKOHOLE MIT OLFAKTORISCHEN EIGENSCHAFTEN, DIE AN PATCHOULIÖL ERINNERN)
Tabular representationCurrent state: Not active, Current state: Termination likely/termination
Graphical representation
Below you will see a simplified graphical representation of the legal status information, which is based on WIPO Standard ST.27 using the "Overall Patent/SPC Prosecution Model" defined therein.
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