Are you unsure how to formulate a search query in the Basic or Expert mode or how to design a search strategy? The DPMA in cooperation with the patent information centres (PIZ) offers two different support options:
In the assisted mode, you can enter free text in the text field provided below and send it to the staff of a PIZ. It is also possible to give a general description of the problem. The more detailed your information on the topic to be searched, the more targeted the help we will give you.
Please choose a patent information centre and enter your contact details.
The respective PIZ will respond as quickly as possible. You will be offered initial support adapted to your specific requirements.
For queries that go beyond the scope of initial support, you will have to use paid services. The PIZ staff will inform you on the terms and further steps.
The PIZ is treating all information in the strictest confidence. This service will help you getting started with professional searches.
Mandatory fields are marked with *. The additional detail, fax number, is required if you wish to receive your answer via fax.
The interactive "Info-Lotse" remote support service is an individual online service. Search experts of one of the listed patent information centres interactively assist the enquirer in performing an efficient and comprehensive search on his/her own within DEPATISnet.
How the search is carried out:The joint search starts via a virtual meeting point. The special feature is that the search expert and the enquirer work on identical pages of DEPATISnet on their screens and, at the same time, communicate by phone. The enquirer and the search expert jointly develop a search strategy.
Similar to a pilot helping to navigate vessels through unfamiliar waters, the search expert will guide the enquirer safely through the rocks of formulating a search query.
After the search, the enquirer can independently study the relevant documents. By means of the interactive support service, enquirers can conduct a professional search comfortably from their own desks. Search strategy and search results become transparent and comprehensible.
The patent information centres charge a fee for the use of the interactive "Info-Lotse" service.
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