Master dataINID | Criterion | Field | Content |
| Type of IP right | SART | Patent |
| Status | ST | Not pending/lapsed |
21 | DE file number | DAKZ | 60 2014 060 705.5 |
96 | EP file number | EAKZ | 14 86 2659.1 |
86 | WO file number | WAKZ | PCT/US2014/066235 |
97 | EP publication number | EPN | 3071205 |
87 | WO publication number | WPN | 2015074081 |
51 | IPC main class | ICM (ICMV) | A61K 31/53 (2006.01) |
51 | IPC secondary class(es) | ICS (ICSV) | A61K 31/4985 (2006.01), C07D 487/04 (2006.01) |
22 | DE application date | DAT | Nov 18, 2014 |
96 | EP application date | EAT | Nov 18, 2014 |
86 | WO application date | WAT | Nov 18, 2014 |
43 | Date of first publication | OT | May 21, 2015 |
| Date of publication of grant | PET | Feb 5, 2020 |
71/73 | Applicant/owner | INH | Forma Therapeutics, Inc., Watertown, Mass., US |
72 | Inventor | IN | BAIR, Kenneth, W., Wellesley, Massachusetts 02482, US; Herbertz, Torsten, Stow, Massachusetts 01775, US; KAUFFMAN, Goss, Stryker, Ledyard, Connecticut 06339, US; KAYSER-BRICKER, Katherine, J., Branford, Connecticut 06405, US; LUKE, George, P., Clinton, Connecticut 06413, US; MARTIN, Matthew, W., Arlington, Massachusetts 02474, US; MILLAN, David, S., Watertown, Massachusetts 02472, US; SCHILLER, Shawn, E. R., Haverhill, Massachusetts 01832, US; TALBOT, Adam, C., Guilford, Connecticut 06437, US; TEBBE, Mark, J., Arlington, Massachusetts 02476, US |
| Address for service | | RWS Group, Translation Division, CHALFONT ST PETER, Bucks SL9 9FG, GB |
33 31 32
| Foreign priority | PRC PRNA PRDA
| US 201361905633 P Nov 18, 2013
33 31 32
| Foreign priority | PRC PRNA PRDA
| US 201462054806 P Sep 24, 2014
| Patent division in charge | | 44 |
97 | EP language of publication | ELANG | EN - Englisch |
84 | Designated EP contracting states | EDS | AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR |
| Published EP/WO documents | EPWOPN | Original document:
EP000003071205 Searchable text:
EP000003071205 Original document:
EP000003071205B1 Searchable text:
EP000003071205B1 Original document:
WO002015074081 Searchable text:
WO002015074081 |
43 | Date of first publication | EVT | May 21, 2015 |
| Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister | EREGT | Nov 11, 2016 |
| Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregister | REGT | Aug 31, 2023 (Show all update days)(Hide all update days)- Aug 31, 2023; Jul 16, 2023; Dec 6, 2021; Jan 29, 2021; Dec 24, 2020; Oct 16, 2020; May 12, 2020; Feb 20, 2020; Jan 16, 2020; Aug 15, 2019; Apr 12, 2018; May 11, 2017
- Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
- Nov 11, 2016
- Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister