Register information Patent

DE file number : 197 10 499.1 (Status: not pending/lapsed, Query started: October 22, 2024)

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Master data
Type of IP rightSARTPatent
StatusSTNot pending/lapsed
21DE file number DAKZ197 10 499.1
54Designation/titleTIVorrichtung zur berührungslosen Druckmessung in einem Druckaufschlußgefäß
51IPC main classICM
G01L 11/00 (2006.01)
51IPC secondary class(es)ICS
G01L 11/02 (2006.01), G01D 5/34 (2006.01), G01N 21/21 (2006.01), G02F 1/19 (2006.01), B01J 3/04 (2006.01)
22DE application dateDATMar 13, 1997
43Date of first publicationOTOct 30, 1997
Date of publication of grantPETFeb 21, 2008
71/73Applicant/ownerINHBerghof Laborprodukte GmbH, 72800 Eningen, DE
72InventorINKrämer, Rainer, Dr., 72800 Eningen, DE
74RepresentativeVTRBoeters & Lieck, 80331 München, DE
10Published DE documentsDEPNOriginal document: DE000019710499A1
Searchable text: DE000019710499A1
Original document: DE000019710499B4
Searchable text: DE000019710499B4
Address for service Herrn Patentanwalt Dipl.-Chem. Dr.rer.nat. Hans Dietrich Boeters, Hans, 80331 München, DE
Domestic priorityPRN
196 09 894.7
Mar 13, 1996
Patent division in charge 52
57AbstractABDie erfindungsgemäße Vorrichtung zur Druckmessung ermöglicht eine berührungslose Messung des Druckes in einem Druckaufschlußgefäß für thermische und mikrowellenbeheizte chemische Reaktionen. Dabei wird der bei der chemischen Reaktion in dem Druckbehälter des Druckaufschlußgefäßes entstehende Innendruck auf ein mit dem Druckbehälter kräftemäßig gekoppelten Sensorelement übertragen. Die durch den Druck hervorgerufene spannungsinduzierte Doppelbrechung des Sensorelements wird benutzt, die Polarisation eines das Sensorelement durchstrahlenden polarisierten Lichtstrahles zu verändern, so daß aus der Veränderung der Polarisation Rückschlüsse auf den Innendruck des Druckbehälters gemacht werden können.
56CitationsCT DE000003919601C2 (DE 39 19 601 C2)
DE000003541027C2 (DE 35 41 027 C2)
DE000003341845C2 (DE 33 41 845 C2)
DE000004413426A1 (DE 44 13 426 A1)
DE000003421004A1 (DE 34 21 004 A1)
DE000003405026A1 (DE 34 05 026 A1)
DE000003138061A1 (DE 31 38 061 A1)
DE000003129847A1 (DE 31 29 847 A1)
DE000002521319A1 (DE 25 21 319)
43Date of first publicationEVTOct 30, 1997
Number of official communications (office actions) 1
Number of responses 1
Date of the first transfer into DPMAregisterEREGTMay 27, 2011
Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregisterREGTMar 15, 2017
(Show all update days)(Hide all update days)
  • Mar 15, 2017; Apr 2, 2016; Jan 19, 2016; Apr 9, 2015; Apr 2, 2015; Apr 9, 2014; Mar 25, 2014; Apr 11, 2013; Apr 6, 2013; Jan 21, 2013; Apr 12, 2012; Apr 7, 2012; Jul 18, 2011
    • Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
  • May 27, 2011
    • Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister
Procedural data
No. Kind of procedure Legal status Date of legal/procedural status Date of legal/procedural status sorted ascending Date of first publication Display all details
1 Pre-registration procedure The application is under preliminary examination Mar 13, 1997   Display details
2 Pre-registration procedure Pre-registration procedure has been concluded Apr 28, 1997   Display details
3 Publications Publication of application (Offenlegungsschrift) Oct 30, 1997 Oct 30, 1997 Display details
4 Change of classification Change of IPC main class Oct 9, 1999   Display details
5 Examination procedure Request for examination effectively filed Mar 13, 2003 May 28, 2003 Display details
6 Examination procedure Reply to official communication Sep 8, 2005   Display details
7 Change of classification Change of IPC main class Oct 17, 2005   Display details
8 Examination procedure Decision to grant patent by Examining Section/Patent Division Oct 9, 2007   Display details
9 Publications Patent specification Feb 21, 2008 Feb 21, 2008 Display details
10 Examination procedure Grant of patent has become final May 21, 2008 Aug 14, 2008 Display details
11 Administrative procedure IP right lapsed through expiry of term of protection Mar 13, 2017   Display details