Register information

Register number DD602081 (Trade mark registered, Query started Oct 22, 2024)

Please note: This English version is a non-binding translation of the German register excerpt. Only the German version of the register excerpt is legally binding.

Master data
 Data fileDBDE
111Register numberRNDD602081
210Old file numberAKZW3672
540Reproduction of the markMDLEUNA
550Type of markMFWord/figurative mark
551Kind of markMKIndividual mark
220Application dateATAug 5, 1954
151Date of entry into the registerETNov 26, 1954
156Extension of protectionVBDSep 1, 2024
730ProprietorINHInfraLeuna GmbH, 06237 Leuna, DE
740RepresentativeVTRETL IP Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, 14169 Berlin, DE
750Address for serviceZANETL IP Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Clayallee 343, 14169 Berlin
511Class(es)KL5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 16, 17, 19
531Class(es) of figurative elementsWBK05.07.02, 07.01.14, 27.05.01
 Status of fileASTTrade mark registered
180Date of expiry of term of protectionVEDAug 31, 2034 Fees for trade mark rights
International registration 
International registration number: IR195387
Date of international registration: Sep 11, 1956
450Date of publication of the registrationVTAug 2, 1955
 Start of opposition periodBWTAug 2, 1955
 End of opposition periodEWTNov 2, 1955
510Goods/servicesWDVArzneimittel, chemische Erzeugnisse für Heilzwecke und Gesundheitspflege, pharmazeutische Drogen, Pflaster, Verbandstoffe, Tier- und Pflanzenvertilgungsmittel, Entkeimungs- und Entwesungsmittel (Desinfektionsmittel), Mittel zum Frischhalten und Haltbarmachen von Lebensmitteln, chemische Erzeugnisse für gewerbliche, wissenschaftliche und Lichtbildzwecke, Feuerlöschmittel, Härte- und Lötmittel, Abdruckmasse für zahnärztliche Zwecke, Zahnfüllmittel, mineralische Rohstoffe, Dichtungen und Packungen, Wärmeschutz- und Isoliermittel, Asbesterzeugnisse, Düngemittel, Farbstoffe, Farben, Blattmetalle, Firnisse, Lacke, Beizen, Harze, Klebstoffe, Wichse, Mittel zum Putzen und zum Haltbarmachen von Leder, Appretur- und Gerbmittel, Bohnermasse, feste Brennstoffe, Wachs, Leuchtstoffe, technische Öle und Fette, Schmiermittel, Benzin, Parfümerien, Mittel zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege, ätherische Öle, Seifen, Wasch- und Bleichmittel, Stärke und Stärkeerzeugnisse, Farbzusätze zur Wäsche, Fleckenentfernungsmittel, Rostschutzmittel, Putz- und Poliermittel (ausgenommen für Leder), Schleifmittel, Steine, Kunststeine, Zement, Kalk, Kies, Gips, Pech, Asphalt, Teer, Mittel zum Haltbarmachen von Holz, Rohrgewebe, Dachpappen, ortsbewegliche Häuser, Schornsteine, Baustoffe
 Date of the first transfer into DPMAregisterEREGTOct 20, 2012
 Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregisterREGTApr 13, 2024
(Show all update days)(Hide all update days)
  • Apr 13, 2024; Sep 19, 2023; Aug 11, 2020; Nov 19, 2019; Nov 28, 2018; Jun 21, 2014
    • Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
  • Oct 20, 2012
    • Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister
Procedural data
No. Kind of procedure Legal status Date of legal/procedural status Date of legal/procedural status sorted ascending Publication date Display all details
1 Application procedure Trade mark registered Nov 26, 1954  Display details
2 Opposition proceedings Trade mark not cancelled Nov 26, 1954  Display details
3 Recording of changes - Legal transfer Recording of changes completed Jun 8, 1999  Display details
4 Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details Recording of changes completed Oct 27, 2003  Display details
5 Extension Period of trade mark protection extended Nov 4, 2004  Display details
6 Recording of changes - Change of name/legal form/address Recording of changes completed Jul 11, 2007 Aug 10, 2007 Display details
7 Extension Period of trade mark protection extended Jun 21, 2014 Jul 25, 2014 Display details
8 Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details Recording of changes completed Nov 28, 2018 Dec 28, 2018 Display details
9 Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details Recording of changes completed Aug 11, 2020 Sep 11, 2020 Display details
10 Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details Recording of changes completed Sep 19, 2023 Oct 20, 2023 Display details
11 Extension Period of trade mark protection extended Apr 13, 2024 May 17, 2024 Display details