Master dataINID | Criterion | Field | Content |
| Data file | DB | DE |
111 | Register number | RN | 39824995 |
210 | File number | AKZ | 398249954 |
540 | Reproduction of the mark | MD | Arthealing |
550 | Type of mark | MF | Word mark |
551 | Kind of mark | MK | Individual mark |
220 | Application date | AT | May 6, 1998 |
151 | Date of entry into the register | ET | Jan 25, 1999 |
730 | Proprietor | INH | Thewissen, Gudrun, 45149 Essen, DE |
740 | Representative | VTR | Patentanw. Karnthaler-Schmidt, Sylvia, Dipl.-Min., 45133 Essen, DE |
750 | Address for service | ZAN | Patentanwältin Sylvia Karnthaler-Schmidt, Walter-Sachsse-Weg 8, 45133 Essen |
511 | Class(es) | KL | 16, 9, 20, 41 |
141 | Date of cancellation | LOED | Jun 1, 2008 |
| Status of file | AST | File destroyed |
180 | Date of expiry of term of protection | VED | May 31, 2008
Fees for trade mark rights |
450 | Date of publication of the registration | VT | Feb 25, 1999 |
| Start of opposition period | BWT | Feb 25, 1999 |
| End of opposition period | EWT | May 25, 1999 |
510 | Goods/services | WDV | Eigenpraktische Kunstwerke, nämlich Siebdrucke, Lithographien, Radierungen, Acryl-, Öl-, Pastell-, Aquarell-Malerei, Plastiken, Skulpturen aus Holz, Kork, Rohr, Weide, Perlmutt, Gips, Kunststoff, Wachs, Lithographien soweit in Klasse 20 enthalten, Photographien, Collagen, Videographien, Hologramme, Erstellen von künstlerischen PC-Bildern; mobile Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Kork, Rohr, Weide, Perlmutt, Gips, Kunststoff, Wachs; magnetisierte Kunstwerke; theoretische und praktische Seminare zur Erstellung von Kunstwerken und/oder magnetisierten Kunstwerken |
| Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister | EREGT | Oct 20, 2012 |
| Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregister | REGT | Nov 17, 2019 (Show all update days)(Hide all update days)- Nov 17, 2019; Feb 7, 2013
- Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
- Oct 20, 2012
- Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister