Master dataINID | Criterion | Field | Content |
| Data file | DB | DE |
111 | Register number | RN | 30704374 |
210 | File number | AKZ | 307043746 |
540 | Reproduction of the mark | MD | INCO-FLEX |
550 | Type of mark | MF | Word mark |
551 | Kind of mark | MK | Individual mark |
220 | Application date | AT | Jan 29, 2007 |
151 | Date of entry into the register | ET | May 11, 2007 |
730 | Proprietor | INH | INCO-VERITAS Spolka Akcyjna, Warschau/Warszawa, PL |
740 | Representative | VTR | Dr. Hoffmeister & Bischof, 48147 Münster, DE |
750 | Address for service | ZAN | Dr. Hoffmeister & Bischof Patentanwalt und Rechtsanwalt Partnerschaftsgesellschaft, Goldstr. 36, 48147 Münster |
| Version of the Nice classification | | NCL9 |
511 | Class(es) | KL | 8, 7 |
141 | Date of cancellation | LOED | Apr 20, 2010 |
| Status of file | AST | File destroyed |
180 | Date of expiry of term of protection | VED | May 11, 2007
Fees for trade mark rights |
450 | Date of publication of the registration | VT | Jun 15, 2007 |
| Start of opposition period | BWT | Jun 15, 2007 |
| End of opposition period | EWT | Sep 17, 2007 |
510 | Goods/services | WDV | Class(es) 07: Schleifscheiben, Profilschleifscheiben, Schleiftöpfe, Schleifräder, Schruppschleifscheiben, Lamellenscheiben, Schleifwerkzeuge als Verbrauchsmaterialien sowie Diamantschleifscheiben als Teile von Maschinen zum Trennen und Schleifen von Stahl, Metall, Farbmetall, Holz, Stein, Kunststoff, Glas, Baustoff (Baustein, Stein, Klinker, Marmor, Beton, Granit, Sandstein) Class(es) 08: Schleifscheiben (Handwerkzeuge)
| Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister | EREGT | Oct 20, 2012 |
| Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregister | REGT | Nov 17, 2019 (Show all update days)(Hide all update days)- Nov 17, 2019; Feb 13, 2014
- Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
- Oct 20, 2012
- Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister
View procedures Application procedure (No.: 1)INID | Criterion | Field | Content
Close details
| Kind of procedure | VART | Application procedure |
| Legal status | VST | Trade mark registered |
| Date of legal/procedural status | VSTT | May 11, 2007 |
| Trade mark journal | HN/PJ | 24/2007 |
| Published in part | HT | 1aaa |
210 | File number | AKZ | 307043746 |
540 | Reproduction of the mark | MD | INCO-FLEX |
550 | Type of mark | MF | Word mark |
551 | Kind of mark | MK | Individual mark |
220 | Application date | AT | Jan 29, 2007 |
151 | Date of entry into the register | ET | May 11, 2007 |
| Publication date | VT | Jun 15, 2007 |
730 | Applicant | ANM | INCO-VERITAS Spolka Akcyjna, Warschau/Warszawa, PL |
740 | Representative | VTR | bunk-alliance Rechtsanwälte, 67547 Worms, DE |
750 | Address for service | ZAN | bunk-alliance Rechtsanwälte, Goethestr. 15, 67547 Worms |
| Version of the Nice classification | | NCL9 |
511 | Class(es) | KL | 8, 7 |
510 | Goods/services | WDV | Class(es) 07: Schleifscheiben, Profilschleifscheiben, Schleiftöpfe, Schleifräder, Schruppschleifscheiben, Lamellenscheiben, Schleifwerkzeuge als Verbrauchsmaterialien sowie Diamantschleifscheiben als Teile von Maschinen zum Trennen und Schleifen von Stahl, Metall, Farbmetall, Holz, Stein, Kunststoff, Glas, Baustoff (Baustein, Stein, Klinker, Marmor, Beton, Granit, Sandstein) Class(es) 08: Handbetätigte Werkzeuge zum Schleifen; Schleifscheiben (Handwerkzeuge)
View procedures Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details (No.: 3)INID | Criterion | Field | Content
Close details
| Kind of procedure | VART | Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details |
| Legal status | VST | Recording of changes completed |
| Date of legal/procedural status | VSTT | Jan 22, 2008 |
| Trade mark journal | HN/PJ | 8/2008 |
| Published in part | HT | 8b |
| Date of entry of application request | | Dec 14, 2007 |
| Publication date | VT | Feb 22, 2008 |
740 | Representative | VTR | Dr. Hoffmeister & Tarvenkorn, 48147 Münster, DE |
| Former representative | VTRF | bunk-alliance Rechtsanwälte, 67547 Worms, DE |
750 | Address for service | ZAN | Patentanwälte Dr. Hoffmeister & Tarvenkorn, Postfach 3828, 48021 Münster |
| Former address for service | ZANF | bunk-alliance Rechtsanwälte, Goethestr. 15, 67547 Worms |
View procedures Cancellation request of proprietor (No.: 4)INID | Criterion | Field | Content
Close details
| Kind of procedure | VART | Cancellation request of proprietor |
| Legal status | VST | Trade mark cancelled in part |
| Date of legal/procedural status | VSTT | Mar 26, 2008 |
| Trade mark journal | HN/PJ | 17/2008 |
| Published in part | HT | 5g |
| Legal ground | | Cancellation under Sec. 48 |
| Publication date | VT | Apr 25, 2008 |
| Date of effectiveness | | Mar 14, 2008 |
510 | Goods/services | WDV | Class(es) 07: Schleifscheiben, Profilschleifscheiben, Schleiftöpfe, Schleifräder, Schruppschleifscheiben, Lamellenscheiben, Schleifwerkzeuge als Verbrauchsmaterialien sowie Diamantschleifscheiben als Teile von Maschinen zum Trennen und Schleifen von Stahl, Metall, Farbmetall, Holz, Stein, Kunststoff, Glas, Baustoff (Baustein, Stein, Klinker, Marmor, Beton, Granit, Sandstein) Class(es) 08: Schleifscheiben (Handwerkzeuge)
View procedures Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details (No.: 5)INID | Criterion | Field | Content
Close details
| Kind of procedure | VART | Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details |
| Legal status | VST | Recording of changes completed |
| Date of legal/procedural status | VSTT | May 28, 2009 |
| Trade mark journal | HN/PJ | 27/2009 |
| Published in part | HT | 8b |
| Date of entry of application request | | Jan 1, 2009 |
| Publication date | VT | Jul 3, 2009 |
740 | Representative | VTR | Dr. Hoffmeister & Bischof, 48147 Münster, DE |
| Former representative | VTRF | Dr. Hoffmeister & Tarvenkorn, 48147 Münster, DE |
750 | Address for service | ZAN | Dr. Hoffmeister & Bischof Patentanwalt und Rechtsanwalt Partnerschaftsgesellschaft, Goldstr. 36, 48147 Münster |
| Former address for service | ZANF | Patentanwälte Dr. Hoffmeister & Tarvenkorn, Postfach 3828, 48021 Münster |