Register information

Register number 302023007508 (Trade mark cancelled, Query started Sep 8, 2024)

Please note: This English version is a non-binding translation of the German register excerpt. Only the German version of the register excerpt is legally binding.

Master data
 Data fileDBDE
111Register numberRN302023007508
210File numberAKZ3020230075082
540Reproduction of the markMDAegidi
550Type of markMFWord mark
551Kind of markMKIndividual mark
220Application dateATMay 25, 2023
151Date of entry into the registerETJun 12, 2023
730ProprietorINHBruckmayer Verwaltungs GmbH, 94256 Drachselsried, DE
740RepresentativeVTRBlaum Dettmers Rabstein Rechtsanwaltspartnerschaft mbB, 28195 Bremen, DE
750Address for serviceZANBlaum Dettmers Rabstein Rechtsanwaltspartnerschaft mbB, Am Wall 153-156, 28195 Bremen
 Version of the Nice classification NCL12
511Class(es)KL32, 16, 21, 25
141Date of cancellationLOEDDec 6, 2023
 Status of fileASTTrade mark cancelled
180Date of expiry of term of protectionVEDDec 6, 2023 Fees for trade mark rights
450Date of publication of the registrationVTJul 14, 2023
 Start of opposition periodBWTJul 14, 2023
 End of opposition periodEWTOct 16, 2023
510Goods/servicesWDVClass(es) 16:
Untersetzer aus Papier und Karton für Getränke; Papier- und Schreibwaren
Class(es) 21:
Class(es) 25:
Bekleidungsstücke; Kopfbedeckungen
Class(es) 32:
Biere; Alkoholfreie Getränke; Mineralwässer und kohlensäurehaltige Wässer; Fruchtgetränke; Fruchtsäfte; Sirupe und andere Präparate für die Zubereitung von alkoholfreien Getränken
 Date of the first transfer into DPMAregisterEREGTJun 2, 2023
 Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregisterREGTFeb 29, 2024
(Show all update days)(Hide all update days)
  • Feb 29, 2024; Dec 14, 2023; Nov 10, 2023; Jun 12, 2023; 12.06.2023; 12.06.2023
    • Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
  • Jun 2, 2023
    • Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister
Procedural data
No. Kind of procedure Legal status Date of legal/procedural status Date of legal/procedural status sorted ascending Publication date Display all details
1 Application procedure Trade mark registered Jun 12, 2023 Jul 14, 2023 Display details
2 Opposition proceedings Opposition filed Nov 10, 2023 Dec 15, 2023 Display details
3 Cancellation request of proprietor Trade mark cancelled Dec 14, 2023 Jan 19, 2024 Display details
4 Opposition proceedings Procedure obsolete (trade mark previously cancelled) Feb 29, 2024 Apr 5, 2024 Display details