Master dataINID | Criterion | Field | Content |
| Data file | DB | DE |
111 | Register number | RN | 30003079 |
210 | File number | AKZ | 300030797 |
540 | Reproduction of the mark | MD | better com |
550 | Type of mark | MF | Word mark |
551 | Kind of mark | MK | Individual mark |
220 | Application date | AT | Jan 18, 2000 |
151 | Date of entry into the register | ET | Apr 20, 2001 |
156 | Extension of protection | VBD | Feb 1, 2020 |
730 | Proprietor | INH | Lesser, Martin, 61276 Weilrod, DE |
740 | Representative | VTR | Heuser und Kollegen, 20253 Hamburg, DE |
750 | Address for service | ZAN | Rechtsanwälte Heuser & Scheffler, Wrangelstr. 111, 20253 Hamburg |
| Version of the Nice classification | | NCL9 |
511 | Class(es) | KL | 42, 37, 41 |
| Status of file | AST | Trade mark registered |
180 | Date of expiry of term of protection | VED | Jan 31, 2030
Fees for trade mark rights |
450 | Date of publication of the registration | VT | May 23, 2001 |
| Start of opposition period | BWT | May 23, 2001 |
| End of opposition period | EWT | Aug 23, 2001 |
510 | Goods/services | WDV | Installieren von Hardware; Wartung und Pflege von Hardware; EDV-Schulung (Internet und andere Netzwerke); Erstellen von Programmen für die Datenverarbeitung; Konfigurieren von Hard- und Software; Installieren, Wartung und Pflege von Software; Konzeption (Planung) von Netzwerken; Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Sicherheit bezüglich des Internets und ähnlicher Dienste (soweit in Klasse 42 enthalten); EDV-Beratung (Internet und anderer Netzwerke) |
| Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister | EREGT | Oct 21, 2012 |
| Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregister | REGT | Nov 16, 2019 (Show all update days)(Hide all update days)- Nov 16, 2019; May 29, 2019
- Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
- Oct 21, 2012
- Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister
View procedures Recording of changes - Legal transfer (No.: 4)INID | Criterion | Field | Content
Close details
| Kind of procedure | VART | Recording of changes - Legal transfer |
| Legal status | VST | Recording of changes completed |
| Date of legal/procedural status | VSTT | Oct 4, 2010 |
| Trade mark journal | HN/PJ | 44/2010 |
| Published in part | HT | 3b |
| Date of entry of application request | | Aug 27, 2010 |
| Publication date | VT | Nov 5, 2010 |
730 | Proprietor | INH | Lesser, Martin, 61276 Weilrod, DE |
770 | Former proprietor | INHF | Better-Com IT-Services GmbH, 22767 Hamburg, DE |
740 | Representative | VTR | Heuser und Kollegen, 20253 Hamburg, DE |
| Former representative | VTRF | Rechtsanw. Heuser, Frank E., 20253 Hamburg, DE |
750 | Address for service | ZAN | Rechtsanwälte Heuser & Scheffler, Wrangelstr. 111, 20253 Hamburg |
| Former address for service | ZANF | Rechtsanwalt Frank E. Heuser, Wrangelstr. 111, 20253 Hamburg |