Register information

Register number 1072157 (Trade mark registered, Query started Sep 8, 2024)

Please note: This English version is a non-binding translation of the German register excerpt. Only the German version of the register excerpt is legally binding.

Master data
 Data fileDBDE
111Register numberRN1072157
210Old file numberAKZM54892
540Reproduction of the markMDSNICKERS
550Type of markMFWord mark
551Kind of markMKIndividual mark
220Application dateATJun 9, 1984
442Date of publication under former trade mark lawBTSep 15, 1984
151Date of entry into the registerETJan 7, 1985
156Extension of protectionVBDJul 1, 2014
730ProprietorINHMars GmbH, 27283 Verden, DE
740RepresentativeVTRFreshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater PartG mbB, 40545 Düsseldorf, DE
750Address for serviceZANFreshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater PartG mbB, Feldmühleplatz 1, 40545 Düsseldorf
 Status of fileASTTrade mark registered
180Date of expiry of term of protectionVEDJun 30, 2024 Fees for trade mark rights
450Date of publication of the registrationVTFeb 15, 1985
 Start of opposition periodBWTFeb 15, 1985
 End of opposition periodEWTMay 15, 1985
510Goods/servicesWDVClass(es) 30:
Tee, Kaffee, Kaffee- Extrakte, Kaffee-Essenzen, Mischungen aus Kaffee und Kaffee-Ersatzmitteln; Kaffee-Ersatzmittel (auch als Mischungen), Kakao, Trinkschokolade, Mehle, Biskuits; zubereitetes Getreide und Getreideprodukte für die menschliche Ernährung; Reis, Teigwaren, Gewürze, Melassesirup, Zucker, Honig, Soßen (ausgenommen Salatsoßen), Eiskrem, Brot, Kuchen, feine Backwaren, Konditorwaren, Schokolade, Schokoladewaren, Zuckerwaren; Knabbererzeugnisse, in der Hauptsache aus Getreide, Kakao, Kuchen und/oder Gebäck bestehend
 Date of the first transfer into DPMAregisterEREGTOct 1, 2012
 Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregisterREGTMar 18, 2021
(Show all update days)(Hide all update days)
  • Mar 18, 2021; Nov 19, 2019; Oct 5, 2017
    • Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
  • Oct 1, 2012
    • Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister
Procedural data
No. Kind of procedure Legal status Date of legal/procedural status Date of legal/procedural status sorted ascending Publication date Display all details
1 Application procedure Trade mark registered Jan 7, 1985  Display details
2 Opposition proceedings Trade mark not cancelled Jan 7, 1985  Display details
3 Recording of changes - Legal transfer Recording of changes completed Jun 7, 2001  Display details
4 Extension Period of trade mark protection extended Jul 20, 2004  Display details
5 Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details Recording of changes completed Jul 3, 2007 Aug 3, 2007 Display details
6 Recording of changes - Change of name/legal form/address Recording of changes completed Apr 22, 2008 May 23, 2008 Display details
7 Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details Recording of changes completed Jul 21, 2009 Aug 21, 2009 Display details
8 Extension Period of trade mark protection extended Jun 18, 2014 Jul 18, 2014 Display details
9 Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details Recording of changes completed Oct 5, 2017 Nov 10, 2017 Display details
10 Recording of changes - Appointment of representative/New representative details Recording of changes completed Mar 18, 2021 Apr 23, 2021 Display details