Register information

Register number 1000598 (File destroyed, Query started Mar 16, 2025)

Please note: This English version is a non-binding translation of the German register excerpt. Only the German version of the register excerpt is legally binding.

Master data
 Data fileDBDE
111Register numberRN1000598
210Old file numberAKZA31682
540Reproduction of the markMDShow enlarged reproduction of the trade mark 1000598 (adidas)
550Type of markMFWord/figurative mark
551Kind of markMKIndividual mark
220Application dateATMar 27, 1979
442Date of publication under former trade mark lawBTDec 15, 1979
151Date of entry into the registerETApr 15, 1980
156Extension of protectionVBDMar 27, 1989
730ProprietorINHAdidas-Salomon AG, 91074 Herzogenaurach, DE
740RepresentativeVTRRechts- und Patentanwälte Lorenz Seidler Gossel, 80538 München, DE
750Address for serviceZANRechts- und Patentanwälte Lorenz Seidler Gossel, Widenmayerstr. 23, 80538 München
511Class(es)KL42, 29, 30, 32, 33
531Class(es) of figurative elementsWBK05.03.13
141Date of cancellationLOEDJan 18, 2001
 Status of fileASTFile destroyed
180Date of expiry of term of protectionVEDMar 27, 1999 Fees for trade mark rights
450Date of publication of the registrationVTMay 31, 1980
 Start of opposition periodBWTMay 31, 1980
 End of opposition periodEWTSep 1, 1980
510Goods/servicesWDVDienstleistungen mit Zeitrang vom 2.4.79: Beherbergung und Verpflegung von Gästen; Weine, Spirituosen und Liköre; Fruchtsirupe und andere Fruchtpräparate für die Zubereitung von alkoholischen und/oder alkoholfreien Getränken; Pfeffer, Essig, Soßen und Gewürze; Honig, Speisesalz, Senf; Bier; alkoholfreie Getränke, Mineralwässer; Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Kaffee-Ersatzmittel, Brot, Biskuits, Kuchen, feine Back- und Konditorwaren, Speiseeis; Eier, Milch und Milchprodukte, nämlich Käse und Quark; Waren mit Zeitrang vom 27.3.79: Fleisch, Fisch, Geflügel und Wild zum Verzehr aufbereitet (z.B. gekocht, gebraten, konserviert); Fleischextrakte; konserviertes, gekochtes oder in sonstiger Weise zubereitetes Obst und Gemüse; Fruchtgelees, Konfitüren; Fisch- und Milchkonserven, Pickles
 Date of the first transfer into DPMAregisterEREGTOct 20, 2012
 Date of the (most recent) update in DPMAregisterREGTNov 16, 2019
(Show all update days)(Hide all update days)
  • Nov 16, 2019
    • Historical data not available for this/these date(s)
  • Oct 20, 2012
    • Date of the first transfer into DPMAregister
Procedural data
No.Kind of procedureLegal statusDate of legal/procedural statusPublication dateAlle Details anzeigen
1 Application procedure Trade mark registered Apr 15, 1980  Details anzeigen
2 Opposition proceedings Trade mark not cancelled Apr 15, 1980  Details anzeigen
3 Extension Period of trade mark protection extended Mar 27, 1989  Details anzeigen
4 Recording of changes - Change of name/legal form/address Recording of changes completed Jul 28, 1998  Details anzeigen
5 Cancellation request of proprietor Trade mark cancelled Jan 18, 2001  Details anzeigen
View procedures Application procedure (No.: 1)
INIDCriterionFieldContent Close details
 Kind of procedureVARTApplication procedure
 Legal statusVSTTrade mark registered
 Date of legal/procedural statusVSTTApr 15, 1980
View procedures Opposition proceedings (No.: 2)
INIDCriterionFieldContent Close details
 Kind of procedureVARTOpposition proceedings
 Legal statusVSTTrade mark not cancelled
 Date of legal/procedural statusVSTTApr 15, 1980
View procedures Extension (No.: 3)
INIDCriterionFieldContent Close details
 Kind of procedureVARTExtension
 Legal statusVSTPeriod of trade mark protection extended
 Date of legal/procedural statusVSTTMar 27, 1989
View procedures Recording of changes - Change of name/legal form/address (No.: 4)
INIDCriterionFieldContent Close details
 Kind of procedureVARTRecording of changes - Change of name/legal form/address
 Legal statusVSTRecording of changes completed
 Date of legal/procedural statusVSTTJul 28, 1998
 Date of entry of application request Jan 1, 1998
730ProprietorINHAdidas-Salomon AG, 91074 Herzogenaurach, DE
771Former proprietorINHFadidas AG, 91074 Herzogenaurach, DE
740RepresentativeVTRRechts- und Patentanwälte Lorenz Seidler Gossel, 80538 München, DE
750Address for serviceZANRechts- und Patentanwälte Lorenz Seidler Gossel, Widenmayerstr. 23, 80538 München
View procedures Cancellation request of proprietor (No.: 5)
INIDCriterionFieldContent Close details
 Kind of procedureVARTCancellation request of proprietor
 Legal statusVSTTrade mark cancelled
 Date of legal/procedural statusVSTTJan 18, 2001
 Legal groundDRCancellation under Sec. 47