Patents and utility models including topographies and supplementary protection certificates

The Basic mode allows to carry out searches within the most frequently used search fields by means of simple queries.

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The Expert mode is recommended for users experienced in searches. This mode allows you to create more complex search queries.

This option is suitable for monitoring new IP registrations, which are displayed for the first time in DPMAregister. You can use the search criteria "applicant/owner"/"inventor" or "IPC main class / secondary class" for monitoring. It is also possible to combine the specified criteria in a query.

Here you can download individual issues of the patent gazette.

In Patentblatt-Online you can search by year, issue and part of the issue. You also have the option of further refining your result list with a filter configuration.

All patents, utility models and protection certificates are classified in IPC main classes and secondary classes. You can search by these classes.